Page:Tolstoy - Pamphlets.djvu/177

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know is nought else than a similar subdivision of God. All which we cognise as the world is but the perception of these divisions. Our perception of the world, that which we call matter in time and space, is the contact of the limits of our Divinity and the other subdivisions of God. Birth and death are transitions from one subdivision to another.


The strictest and most consistent Agnostic recognises God whether he wishes to or not. He cannot but recognise that his existence and the existence of the whole world has some sense, inaccessible to him, and that there is a law of his life, a law to which he can submit, and from which he can deviate. It is just this recognition of a higher sense of life, inaccessible to man, but necessarily existing, and of the law of one's life, which is the recognition of God and His will.

And such a recognition of God is much firmer than the belief in God as Creator, Trinity, Redeemer, Ruler, etc.

To believe so is to have dug through the rubble to the solid rock, and to have built the house thereon.


Men know two Gods: one whom they wish to compel to serve them,