Page:Tolstoy - Pamphlets.djvu/178

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demanding from Him in prayers the fulfilment of their desires ; and another God, whom it is for us to serve, and to the fulfilment of whose will all our efforts should be directed.


Just now, having found myself alone after my work, I asked myself what I should do next, and being free from any personal desires (except the physical demands which are felt when one desires food or sleep), I felt most vividly the joy of the consciousness of the will of God, of requiring and desiring nothing but to fulfil that which He wishes.

This feeling was evoked by the question which I put to myself in solitude and quiet, "Who am I ? What am I ?" And the answer came of itself so clearly, "Whoever and whatever thou art, thou art sent by someone, to do something. Well, then, do it!" And so joyously, so well, did I feel my fusion with the will of God.


What am I here, abandoned in the midst of this world ? To whom shall I turn ? From whom shall I seek an answer ? — From men ?

They do not know; they laugh; they do not wish to know. They say, "That is nonsense. Do not think