Page:Tolstoy - Tales from Tolstoi.djvu/312

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Tales from Tolstoi

"Good! Depart in God's name: to-morrow I will come to the feast."

And the next day the godmother came, and the godfather came likewise, and the child was christened. But no sooner was the child christened than the godfather went out, and none knew who he was, nor from that time forth did any man see him.


Now the little lad began to grow up, and was a joy to his parents, for he was strong and laboured willingly, and was both wise and gentle. And when the lad was ten years old his parents had him taught his letters, and the laid learnt in one year what it takes other lads five years to learn.

Now, when Holy Week came, the lad went to his godmother to give her the Easter kiss, returned home again, and said: "My dear little father and mother, where does my godfather live? I should like to go to him and give him also the Easter kiss."

And his father said unto him: "We know not, my darling little son, where thy godfather liveth; we ourselves are distressed thereby. We have not seen him from the time when he stood sponsor for thee. We have not heard of him since, nor do we know where he lives or whether he be alive at all."

Then the son made obeisance to his father and mother, and said: "Let me go, dear little father and mother, to seek my godfather. I want to find him that I may give him the Easter kiss."