Page:Tolstoy - Tales from Tolstoi.djvu/313

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The Godfather

So the father and mother let their son go, and the little lad set forth to seek his godfather.


The little lad left his home and went out upon the highway. For half a day he went on and on, and then there met him a wayfaring man. The wayfaring man stopped short.

"Hail to thee, my lad!" said he, "whither, in God's name, art thou going?"

And the lad said: "I have just been to give my godmother the Easter kiss, and after that I came home again and said to my father and mother, 'Where does my godfather dwell? for I want to give him the Easter kiss also.' And my parents answered, 'We know not, little son, where thy godfather liveth. From the time that he stood sponsor for thee he departed from us, and we know nothing of him—nay, we know not even whether he be alive!' But I have a great desire to see my godfather, wherefore I now go seek him."

And the wayfaring man said: "I am thy godfather."

Then the youth rejoiced, and gave his godfather the Easter kiss.

"My darling godpapa," said he, "whither art thou going? If thou art going in our direction, come, I prythee, and abide at our house; but if thou art going to thine own home I will go with thee."

"I have no leisure to come to thy house just now,