Page:Tom Swift Among the Diamond Makers.djvu/99

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Tom's excited announcement startled Mr. Damon and the others as much as if the young inventor had informed them that the airship had exploded and was about to dash with them to the earth. The men leaped to their feet, and stared at the lad.

"A stowaway on board!" cried Mr. Damon. "Bless my soul! How did he——"

"Are you sure that message is straight?" asked Mr. Jenks. "Did Eradicate see the man?"

"He says he did," answered Tom. "The man is hidden away on board now—probably among the stores and supplies."

"Bless my tomato sauce!" exploded Mr. Damon. "I hope he doesn't eat them all up!"

"We must get him out at once!" declared Mr. Jenks.

"I knew something would happen on this voyage," came from Mr. Parker. "I predicted it from the first!"