Page:Tomlinson--The rider of the black horse.djvu/255

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"I tell you, Jake, it won't do! We 've been on the track o' this fellow an' we 're bound t' get him. There's money in it, too, if we find a letter on him, as I make no doubt we shall, an' I don't mind tellin' ye that we 'll give you your share. Now, will ye speak up?"

"If I knew, as I'm not sayin' I do, mind ye, ye ought t' know me well enough to understand I'm no Judas!" There was a ring in Jacob's voice that was new to Robert, and the young soldier's heart bounded within him. Come what might, he would not leave the man to fight his battles alone, he resolved. He had found a place through which he could peer forth, and when he perceived that Claudius Brown had four men with him, he quickly decided what plan he would follow if the man persisted in his demand.

"What 'll we do?" said Claudius Brown, turning to his companions.

"String him up!" replied one quickly. "That 'll make him speak; at least it worked all right back here three miles this mornin'."

"Smoke the fellow out," demanded another.

"Ye hear what my men say, Jake?" said the leader, turning again to the landlord as