Page:Tomlinson--The rider of the black horse.djvu/256

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he spoke. "Have ye any choice between th' two?"

"I don't seem to have anything t' say 'bout it," replied Jacob quietly.

"Ye have ev'ry thing t' say, Jake. Jest tell us where the rascal is, an' there won't any harm come to you or to your belongin's."

"I told you, Claud Brown, that I was no Judas," retorted Jacob Gunning boldly. "Do what ye please, ye can't buy me up!" There was a ring in Jacob's voice that was inspiring to Robert, and he made ready to act. Before he moved, however, he decided to wait and see what Brown would do next, for it might still be possible that Jacob's very fearlessness might serve to send the men away. In a moment the problem was decided for him, but in a way of which Robert had never dreamed.

"We 'll do both!" shouted Claudius Brown angrily. "We 'll string him up an' smoke out the young rascal, too! Two of you," he added, pointing quickly to two of his men, "set fire to his house just as soon as we 've tied Jake up! Now then!" and at a signal from the leader all four rushed upon the landlord.

Robert waited to see no more, but rising