Page:Tomlinson--The rider of the black horse.djvu/291

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prostrate man, and instantly turned to face the first man, who had recovered from his fall, and was again about to rush upon him.

"Stand back there! Stop where you are!" he shouted in his excitement. "What do you want to treat one of your own men in this fashion for?"

"You 're a Tory! You 're a redcoat!" shouted the man in reply. "I saw you! You 're one of 'em! Give yourself up or it 'll be the worse for you!"—"Come back here and help us!" he shouted, calling to his companions who had rushed forward. "Come back here! Here's one of 'em who won't give himself up!"

Robert did not wait to ascertain what the effect of the call was as he said hastily, "I'm no redcoat. You 've made a mistake. I'm as good an American as you are. Come on! I 'll go with you."

"Come on, then!" exclaimed the man, as he rushed forward and roughly grasped Robert by one arm. "Take him by the other arm, Joe!" he called to his companion.

As the second man advanced, Robert peered into his face and exclaimed, "Joe Nott! What are you doing here?"

The man, startled by the unexpected de-