Page:Tomlinson--The rider of the black horse.djvu/292

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mand, in turn peered into the face of Robert, and said in astonishment, "Are you young Dorlon?"

"I am!"

"Do you know him, Joe? Is he all right?" demanded the other.

"Sound as a button. Of course he's all right. But"—

"Come along then! Don't stand here like a hen with her head cut off! We must help chase the redcoats. Come on! Better keep an eye on him," he added warningly, as all three began to run swiftly in the direction in which their recent companions had disappeared.

Whether it was due to the delay or to the speed at which the surprised men were fleeing Robert did not know, but they were unable to obtain even a glimpse of any of the men who had broken and fled at the sudden attack, and in the course of a half hour all three returned to the fork in the road where it had been agreed that all should assemble after the pursuit of the band of redcoats. Most of the band were already there when the three returned, and it was discovered that five men had been secured and were prisoners in their hands. Robert quickly passed from one to