Page:Tomlinson--The rider of the black horse.djvu/323

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him. There were even thoughts of compelling the huge Josh to accompany him at the point of his pistol, but the expression on Hannah's face was puzzling to him, and, perplexed, he hesitated. There was more in the girl's words than appeared, and his confidence in her was so strong that he resolved to follow the implied suggestion she had given, though he was still at a loss to understand what it meant.

"Robert, you go first," said the girl resolutely, and we 'll follow."

Again the young express glanced at her, but still he was unable to understand. Nevertheless he obeyed and at once followed her suggestion, starting toward the house with the others quickly following. At Hannah's word they all proceeded to the kitchen, where the table had been prepared and food was awaiting their coming.

"Now then, you are n't afraid of him?" demanded Hannah of Josh.

"Ho! ho!" roared the giant.

"And, Robert, you are not afraid of him?" she then inquired of her friend.

"No, Hannah, I 'm not afraid of him, but I won't trust him," said Robert.

"Then let me take your pistols, both of