Page:Tomlinson--The rider of the black horse.djvu/324

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you," she said sharply. "I 'll put them on the table, right at the other end, so you can see just where they are. You are not afraid of each other, and you can get them just as soon as you have eaten, but I'm afraid of the pistols and of you, too. I am sure I can serve you both better if you will do what I say. Come! Let me have them!" she added, as she held out her hands.

Still unable to comprehend her plan, but trusting her freely, Robert gave her his weapon, and in a moment Josh roared, "I guess I can stand it if he can. Here goes!" and he handed his pistol to Hannah, who took both his and Robert's and placed them at the extreme end of the table. Without departing from the room she called to her mother, and in a brief time the simple breakfast had been placed upon the table.

Despite his own anxiety, Robert at once began to eat, and his huge companion was not slow in following his example. Meanwhile Hannah bustled about the room, never once leaving it, though twice she whispered to her mother and several times seemed to question her with her eyes. Something was being done, Robert was confident, though what it was he was unable to conjecture. Suddenly the girl's