Page:Tomlinson--The rider of the black horse.djvu/393

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"Claud Brown, Josh, and another man whose name I do not know."

"What do you mean?"

"Just what I say."

"Has Claud Brown been caught?"

"Yes, sir. Caught and hanged, and Josh and the other man, too!"


"Yes, sir. That 's just what I mean."

"Tell me about it."

"There is n't much to tell besides that. There were a good many up here who had had their barns burned, and had suffered so much that at last they decided to run the rascals down. You know how Josh was taken, but they kept up the chase till they got Claud Brown, too. They had to go clear down to Long Island to get him, though."

"I should n't think they'd have dared to go as far as that."

"Dared? They dared do anything to lay hands on the rascals. Jake Gunning was the leader, and they say he was almost crazy, he was so mad."

"Yes, I know," responded Robert quietly. He recalled the time when he had last seen Jacob, and it was not difficult for him to