Page:Tomlinson--The rider of the black horse.djvu/394

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understand now how the landlord had been among the most active of the outraged men of the region who had at last risen in their wrath and pursued the leaders of the cowboys until they had run them to earth.

"They brought them back to Orange County, and kept them chained in the old jail," explained Joseph. "Chained them to the floor, too, for they did n't intend to let them get away this time. And they did n't," he added significantly.

"Where was it—that it took place?" inquired Robert.

"In the courtyard of the jail. It was just filled with people, who wanted to make sure that they'd seen the last of Claud Brown. They had; but I'm thinking, from what I hear, that there are some others who 'll do their best to take up the work he quit then forever."

"Is that so?"

"Yes, I'm told Claud Brown's son Dick is on the war-path, and is furious over his father's death. He 'll give us plenty to think of, and to do, too."

"Josh was n't such a bad fellow," suggested Robert.

"He did n't know enough to be very bad.