Page:Tragical history of George Barnwell (2).pdf/10

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They walked ſwiftly towards the houſe; the family were aſſembled at ſupper, and the looks of Eliza ſerved as a preface to George's narrative.

I have heard, (ſaid Sir James,) ſtories of this nature frequently repeated; but till now, I own, I never paid a ſerious attention to them; what has now happened, has determined me to take ſome active meaſure towards unravelling the apparent myſtery."

In the morning, the Knight, with the Chaplain and George, ſallied forth, a few armed domeſtics having preceded them. Arrived at the Aiſle, Sir James demanded of his nephew, "Are you ſure that on this tomb you saw a cloak and maſk; that you alſo ſaw a man kneel near it; ſaw him riſe and array himſelf in his cloak? Again I ſay, Are you ſure no part of this ſcene was imagination?" —— "I am certain, (replied the youth) that I beheld all that I have ſtated. Could not this tomb be moved? Were we in the foreſts of Germany, I ſhould be induced to think that it covers the door of ſome ſubterraneous retreat" —— "Aye Sir. (ſaid Joſeph, an aged domeſtic of the Knight's) you are in the right; to be ſure, it is no concern of mine but if I was a Magiſtrate this here monument ſhould be pulled down and dug under, and my life on it, murder lies at the bottom." —— "That cannot be done without the conſent of the owner (ſaid Sir James), or ſome better grounds or ſuſpicion than we have at preſent." —— "Do not you own theſe ruins, Sir?" ſaid George. "Not thispart