Page:Tragical history of George Barnwell (2).pdf/9

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A ſummer's day drew towards its cloſe; the well-dreſſed guests of the worthy Knight departed and the family were once more left to themſelves.

Eliza, with a palpitating heart, accompanied her brother to the Abbey. They were at the entrance of the Aiſles; Eliza trembled.——"Stay, (ſaid George), it is dark, and we are far from the houſe; I have little dread of ghoſts, but it is not impoſſible that this retreat may be the rendezvous of beings leſs merciful, and more powerful than mere ſpectres —— Do you wait a moment behind this old column, and liſten attentively: I will go on, ſhould there be any danger, you will hear my cries; then run as faſt as poſſible to the houſe, and procure aſſiſtance." Eliza's remonſtrances on the ſcore of his perſonal danger were in vain, and ſhe clung to the pillar in anxious expectation. A few minutes elapſed; Eliza grew impatient, at length ſhe heard footſteps approaching! —— She left her retreat, thinking to meet her brother, when a form, muffled in a long black cloak, and maſked, met her at the entrance of the Aiſle. She ſcreamed! —— In an inſtant George was at her elbow; but the cauſe of her alarm had vaniſhed. "Surely I cannot be deceived, (ſaid Barnwell), it was a man; I ſaw him diſtinctly, a black cloak and maſk were lying on the tomb, which you deſcribed from your dream; as I approached it, a man, who was kneeling near it, ſtood up, hurried on the diſguiſe and preſenting a piſtol, exclaimed, "I am diſcovered! —— Ere I had recovered from my ſurpriſe, he was gone. ——They