Page:Transactions NZ Institute Volume 15.djvu/13

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Art. I. Descriptions of New Zealand Micro-Lepidoptera. By E. Meyrick, B.A. 3–68
II. Further Additions to our Knowledge of the New Zealand Crustacea. By Charles Chilton, M.A. 69–86
III. Notes on, and a new Species of, Subterranean Crustacea. By Charles Chilton 87–92
IV. On the New Zealand Copepoda. By G. M. Thomson, F.L.S. 93–116
V. Notes on the Structure of Struthiolaria papulosa. By Prof. F. W. Hutton 117–118
VI. Notes on some Branchiate Gastropoda. By Prof. F. W. Hutton 118–131
VII. Additions to the Molluscan Fauna of New Zealand. By Prof. F. W. Hutton 131–133
VIII. Descriptions of new Land Shells. By Prof. F. W. Hutton 134–141
IX. On the New Zealand Siphonariidæ. By Prof. F. W. Hutton 141–145
X. Additions to the Isopodan Fauna of New Zealand. By Charles Chilton, M.A. 145–150
XI. On some Points of Difference between the English Crayfish (Astacus fluviatilis) and a New Zealand one (Paranephrops setosus). By Charles Chilton, M.A. 150–165
XII. On some newly-discovered New Zealand Arachnids. By W. Colenso, F.L.S. 165–173
XIII. On the Protective Resemblances of the Araneidea in New Zealand. By A. T. Urquhart 174–178
XIV. Remarks upon the Distribution, within the New Zealand Zoological Sub-region, of the Birds of the Orders Accipitres, Passeres, Scansores, Colmnbæ, Gallinæ, Struthiones, and Grallæ. By W. T. L. Travers, F.L.S. 178–187
XV. On two new Isopods. By Charles Chilton 188–190
XVI. On two Marine Mites. By Charles Chilton 190–192
XVII. Occurrence of a Species of Ophideres, Boisd., new to New Zealand. By R. W. Fereday, M.E.S.L. 192–193
XVIII. Description of a Species of Butterfly, new to New Zealand, and probably to Science. By R. W. Fereday 193–195
XIX. Description of two new Species of Heteropterous Lepidoptera. By R. W. Fereday 195–196
XX. Notes on a peculiar Neuration in the Wings of some Individuals of Perenodaimon pluto, a New Zealand Butterfly. By R. W. Fereday 197
XXI. On Diseased Trout in Lake Wakatipu. By W. Arthur, C.E. 198–203
XXII. Notes on the New Zealand Sprat. By W. Arthur, C.E. 203–208
XXIII. Notes on the Picton Herring, Clupea pilchardus (C. sagax, New Zealand form). By W. Arthur 208–213