Page:Transactions NZ Institute Volume 15.djvu/14

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XXIV. On two new Planarians from Auckland Harbour. By T. F. Cheeseman, F.L.S. 213–214
XXV. Notes on a Skeleton of Megaptera lalandii (novæ-zealandiæ). By Prof. Julius von Haast, Ph.D., F.R.S. 214–216
XXVI. Description of a new Species of Æolis. By T. W. Kirk 217
XXVII. Description of a new Dipterous Insect. By G. Vernon Hudson; communicated by T. W. Kirk 218
XXVIII. On the Gravid Uterus of Mustelus antarcticus. By T. Jeffery Parker, B.Sc. 219–222
XXIX. Notes on the Anatomy and Embryology of Scymnus lichia. By T. Jeffery Parker 222–234
XXX. On the Connection of the Air-bladders and the Auditory-organ in the Red Cod (Lotella bacchus). By T. Jeffery Parker 234–236
XXXI. On the New Zealand Desmidieæ. Additions to Catalogue and Notes on various Species. By W. M. Maskell, F.R.M.S. 237–259
XXXII. On a new Composite Plant. By Robert Brown; communicated by Prof. Hutton 259–260
XXXIII. Further Notes on Sorghum Experiments. By Mr. Justice Gillies 261–267
XXXIV. On the Growth of the Cork Oak in Auckland. By Mr. Justice Gillies 267–268
XXXV. The Naturalized Plants of the Auckland Provincial District. By T. F. Cheeseman, F.L.S., Curator of the Auckland Museum 268–298
XXXVI. On some recent Additions to the Flora of New Zealand. By T. F. Cheeseman 298–301
XXXVII. Notes on Fresh-water Algæ. By W. I. Spencer, M.R.C.S. 302–304
XXXVIII. A Description of four new Ferns from our New Zealand Forests. By William Colenso, F.L.S. 304–310
XXXIX. On the large Number of Species of Ferns noticed in a small Area in the New Zealand Forests, in the Seventy-mile Bush, between Norsewood and Danneverke, in the Provincial District of Hawke's Bay. By W. Colenso 311–320
XL. Description of a few new Indigenous Plants. By W. Colenso 320–339
XLI. Additions to the Flora of New Zealand. By John Buchanan, F.L.S., of the Geological Survey Department 339–340
XLII. Notes on some of the Diatomaceous Deposits of New Zealand. By John Inglis 340–346
XLIII. On the Lichenographia of New Zealand. By Charles Knight, F.R.C.S. 346–358
XLIV. Descriptions of two new Species of Carex. By D. Petrie, M.A. 358–359
XLV. Description of a Variety of Celmisia sessiliflora, Hook. f. By D. Petrie 359
XLVI. Description of a new Species of Senecio. By T. Kirk, F.L.S. 359–360
XLVII. Notes on the Mineralogy of New Zealand. By S. Herbert Cox, F.C.S., F.G.S., Assistant Geologist and Inspector of Mines 361–409
XLVIII. On a new Mineral belonging to the Serpentine Group. By S. Herbert Cox 409–410
XLIX. Descriptions of some new Tertiary Shells from Wanganui. By Prof. F. W. Hutton 410–411
L. Note on the Silt Deposit at Lyttelton. By Prof. F. W. Hutton 411–414
LI. On the Formation of the Quartz Pebbles of the Southland Plains. By W. S. Hamilton 414–419
LII. On the Occurrence of Platinum in Quartz Lodes at the Thames Gold Fields. By J. A. Pond 419–420