Page:Transactions NZ Institute Volume 4.djvu/9

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In the present volume the arrangeraent of the Proceedings and Transactions which was adopted in the first two volumes has been again reverted to, as the separate publication of the former in anticipation of the whole work was not found to be so satisfactory and convenient to members as was anticipated.

The Board of Governors having decided that in publication preference should be given to those papers which add to the knowledge of observed facts relative to New Zealand, several papers of a general character have been held back, or are only given in an abridged form.

The editor has to acknowledge the assistance which he received from Mr. J. T. Thomson, F.R.G.S., in revising in the press the first proofs of his learned paper on the Whence of the Maori.

The facilities offered to the Board, through the courtesy of the Hon. the Colonial Secretary, for having the illustrations lithographed at the Government press, cannot pass unnoticed, while they have again to thank Mr. John Buchanan for the great care and skill which he has exercised as draughtsman. It will be observed that this year the illustrations have, in most cases, been drawn direct on the stone, which gives to them a more artistic effect.

The assistance received from Mr. B. B. Gore in preparing the Meteorological Report, which appears in the Appendix, must also be acknowledged.

In a volume consisting of articles of such varied characters mistakes will necessarily occur, and the chief of these are printed in an eiTata slip. It is, however, again necessary to call the attention of authors and the secretaries of societies to the desirability of forwarding papers and minutes of proceedings in such a shape that no re-copying may be required, nor questions arise as to the author's exact meaning.

It is satisfactory to note that the list of ordinary members of the Affiliated Societies is still maintained, and that the number of papers contributing original observations and researches shows a marked increase.

Wellington, 10th May, 1872.