Page:Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne (1867).djvu/83

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At 1500 feet.—Juniper, Prunus padus, Rosa canina, Salix fusca, honeysuckle, aspen, Mentha viridis, gooseberry (fruit good).

At 1450 feet.—Rosa spinosissima.

At 1250 feet.—Apple, pear (planted eight years, flowers, but has not fruited), cabbage, potato field, spinach, Ribes nigrum, clover field, Sinapis alba, bean, radish, chives, carrot, lettuce, Mentha gentilis.

At 1100 feet.—Ivy.

At 1050 feet.—Viburnum opulus, Rubus suberectus, alder, strawberry, onion, leek, horse-radish, peas.

In Weardale our highest measurements for the cereals are—oats, 1340 feet; barley, 1000 feet; wheat, 750 feet; in Allendale, oats, 1600 feet; barley, 950 feet; wheat, 800 feet. In making a similar list to the above for Allendale, we had the kind and efficient help of Mr. Ralph Murray, of Allenheads, who spent, when we were staying at the village, in 1865, a considerable time in traversing with us Mr. Beaumont's extensive gardens and plantations, for the purpose of compiling it. Our first list is of the species noticed in the gardens at Coal Clough (1650—1700 feet), in West Allendale; and of Gill's House (1665 feet), and Shorngate House (1640 feet), in East Allendale, say, in round numbers, of species grown at 550 yards—

Fruits.—Plum, raspberry, red currant, black currant, Rubus saxatilis.

Vegetables.—Potato, rhubarb, turnip, cabbage, Mentha viridis, M. gentilis, Anthemis nolilis, wormwood, lettuce, carrot, cauliflower, Tropaeolum, marjoram, onion.

Trees and Shrubs.—Sycamore, ash, larch, hawthorn, spruce, Scotch fir, Wych elm, Syringa vulgaris, Salix viminalis, S. purpurea, S. Smithiana, S. phylicifolia, Rosa alba.