Page:Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne (1867).djvu/84

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Our next list relates to Mr. Beaumont's grounds, which are at an altitude of from 1370 to 1460 feet, facing the north, and cut off from the south by a ridge of high moorland.

Fruits ripen.—Strawberry, apple, peach, pear, cherry, plum, red currant, black currant, rasp, gooseberry.

Yegetables.—Peas, beans, asparagus, beet, sea kale (Crambe), broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrot, cauliflower, cress (Lepidium sativum), garlic, leek, lettuce, Sinapis alba, onion, parsley, parsnip, rhubarb, radish, rampion, salsafy, spinach, turnip, vegetable marrow, potato, basil, fennel, hyssop, lavender, marjoram, thyme, balm, sage.

Trees (have all lasted through several winters, but many not flowered.)—Alder, ash, beech, birch, horse chestnut, Wych elm, Balm of Gilead fir, black, white, and red American spruce, Scotch fir, silver fir, Pinus austriaca, Cembra and laricio, mountain ash, hazel, holly, hornbeam, laburnum, larch, Acer campestre, Populus alba, nigra, dilatata, common oak, Turkey oak, sycamore, Pyrus Aria, black thorn, hawthorn, walnut, Salix fragilis, viminalis, Smithiana, pupurea.

Ornamental Shrubs.—Sweet briar, Berberis vulgaris, Mahonia aquifolium, Thuja occidentalis, Ribes sanguineum, box, Cornus sanguinea, Viburnum opulus, Lonicera caprifolium, Prunus lusitanica, P. lauro-cerasus, holly, Kerria japonica, mezereon, lilac, privet, Wellingtonia, snowberry, Irish and common yew, white and yellow broom, ivy, juniper, Azaleas (pontica, &c), rhododendrons, roses (alba, &c).

Rainfall.—Of the six hundred and six British plants with a southern tendency, we find that one hundred and twenty-seven show a decided preference for the east, and seventy for the west side of the island, and this no doubt is principally to be explained by the fact that the former is drier, both above and below the surface of the earth. But, as the distribution of the rainfall through our province cannot be traced to have any appreciable