Page:Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne 1838 Vol.2.djvu/115

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Mr. WINCH's Flora of Northumberland, &c.
137. A. conchatus.

Bull. t. 298 and 517, o; Northumberland and Durham Guide, ii. 92; A. inconstans β, Persoon, Syn. 476.
On trees near Medomsley and Lanchester, D. At Blagdon and Stannington Bridge, N.

138. A. flabelliformis.

With. iv. 365; Sowerby, t 109; Schaeff. t. 208; Berwick Flora, ii. 184; A. stypticus, Bull. t. 140; Persoon, Syn. 481.
On trees near Medomsley and Wolsingham, D. Near Darlington. — Mr. E. Robson. In East Common Wood near Hexham, and Horsley Wood, N. Near Berwick. — Dr. G. Johnston.

139. A. lateralis.

Bolton, t. 71, f. 2; A. flabelliformis. With, iv. 366, var. 2; Northumberland and Durham Guide, ii. 92, var. 2.
Near Gibside and Medomsley, D. In Walbottle Dene, and Felton, Blagdon, and Horsley Woods, N.

140. A. mollis.

With. iv. 366; Gr. Fl. Eds. 396; Persoon, Syn. 480; Berwick Flora, ii. 184; Sowerby, t. 98; A. commentarius, Schaeff. t. 213.
On stumps of trees in Gibside and Ravensworth Woods, also near Medomsley, D. In Walbottle Dene and near Denton, N. In a wine cellar in Berwick. — Dr. G. Johnston.

141. A.ficoides.

With. iv. 366; Northumberland and Durham Guide, ii. 92; A. betulinus, Bolton, t. 72, f. 1.
In East Common and Horsley Woods, N. In Bradley Wood, D.

142. A. reniformis.

With. iv. 367; Northumberland and Durham Guide, ii. 93; A. flabelliformis, Boltun, t. 157.
On birch trees in Gibside Woods, D. Near Darlington. — Mr. E. Robson. In Horsley Wood and Dilston Park, N.

143. A. applicatus.

With. iv. 368; Batsch. t. 24, f. 125; Sowerby, t. 301; Northumberland and Durham Guide, ii. 93; A. epixylon, Bull. 581, f. 2.
In Longacre Wood near Lamesley, D. In Scotswood and Walbottle Denes, also in East Common Wood near Hexham, N.

144. A. Rotula.

Gr. Fl. Eds. 381; Sowerby, t. 95; Persoon, Syn. 467; Merulius collariatus, With. iv. 195.
On dried sticks and dead leaves in woods, frequent.

145. A. umbelliferus.

Bolton, t. 39, f. A; Lightfoot, 1026; Merulius umbelliferus. With. iv. 193; Northumberland and Durham Guide, ii. 80.
Among rotten leaves in Benwell and Walbottle Denes, N. In Long-acre and Gibside Woods, D.

146. A. androsaccus.

Gr. Fl. Eds. 381; Berwick Flora, ii. 173; Sowerby, t. 94; Lightfoot, 1027; Merulius androsaccus, With. iv. 194; Agaricus epiphyllus, Bull. t. 569, 2.
On decayed leaves and Fir cones in Heaton and Scotswood Denes, N. In Long-acre and Lumley Woods, also near Ryton, D. Near Berwick. — Dr. G. Johnston.

147. A. epiphyllus.

Gr. Fl. Eds. 381; Persoon, Syn. 468; Merulius squamula, With. iv. 198; Agaricus squamula, Sowerby, t. 93; Batsch. t. 17, f. 84; A. lacteas, Bull. t. 601, f. 2.
On the dead leaves of the Ivy, not uncommon.

148. A. foetidus.

Gr. Fl. Eds. 382; Merulius foetidus, With. iv. 198; Sowerby, t. 21.
On the dead branches of trees in Gibside and Bradley Woods, D. Near Darlington. — Mr. E. Robson. In Heaton, Scotswood, Benwell, and Walbottle Denes, N.

149. A. cornucopioides.

Bolton, t. 8; Purton, t. 12; A. cochleatus β, Persoon, Syn. 450; Merulius cornucopioides, With, iv. 198.
In Bradley and Gibside Woods, D. In Horsley and East Common Woods, N.

150. A. fuscus.

A. ericetorum δ, according to Steudel Merulius fuscus, With. iv. 196; Northumberland and Durham Guide, ii. 80.
In Ravensworth Woods near Farnacres, D.


1. S. commune.

Gr. Crypt. t. 61; Agaricus alneus. With. iv. 370, Sowerby, t. 183; Schaeff. t. 246; Bull. t. 346 and 581, f. 1; Lightfoot, 1029; Lam. and De Cand. ii. 134.
On trees in Horsley and East Common Woods, N. Near Hilton, Gibside, and Bradley, D.


1. C. cibarius.

Gr. Crypt, t. 258; Berwick Flora, ii. 186; Merulius Cantharellus, Purton, t. 10; Persoon, Syn. 488; With. iv. 196; Agaricus Cantharellus, Bull, t. 62 and 505, f. 1; Sowerby, t. 46; A. Cantharellus, Schaeff. t. 82; Bolton, t. 62.
On decayed sticks in woods and plantations, N. and D.

2. C. Inteus.

Gr. Fl. Eds. 397; Merulius lutescens, Persoon, Syn. 489; Agaricus cantharelloides, Sowerby, t. 47.
In Bradley Wood near Medomsley, also in the neighbourhood of Darlington, D. In Horsley and Felton Woods, N.

3. C. cornucopioides.

Merulcus purpureus, With. iv. 199; M. cornucopioides, Persoon, Syn. 491; Peziza cornucopioides, Sowerby, t. 74.
On the banks of the Derwent near Winlaton Mill, and in Bradley Wood, D. Near Darlington, D. — Mr. E. Robson. In Dilston Park, N.

4. C. cinereus.

Merulius infundibuliformis, With. iv. 199; Agaricus infundibuliformis, Bolton, t. 34.
In Bradley Wood, D. In Horsley Wood, Dilston Park, and near Stannington Bridge.

5. C. muscigenus.

Merulius muscigenus. With. iv. 199; Agaricus muscigenus, Bull. t. 288.
Near Ravensworth and Gibside, growing on moss, D. Near Blagdon, N.

6. C. lobalus.

Gr. Fl. Eds. 397; Berwick Flora, ii. 186; Merulius membranaceus, With. iv. 200; HelvetiaVOL. II. E e