Page:Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne 1838 Vol.2.djvu/116

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Mr. WINCH's Flora of Northumberland, &c.

membranacea, Sowerby, t. 348; Bolton, t. 177; H. retiruga, Bull. t. 498, f. 1; Merulius retirugus, and M. lobatus, Persoon, Syn. 494.
In East Common and Horsley Woods, N. Upon moss on Ravensworth Fell, and on boggy ground near the Wear in the neighbourhood of Chester-le-Street, D. From the county of Durham. — Bolton. On Tortula ruratis near Darlington. — Mr. E. Robson. Upon the same moss on Spittal Links, N. — Dr. G. Johnston.


1. M. lacrymans.

Gr. Fl. Eds. 397; M. destruens, Persoon, Syn. 496; Boletus lacrymans, With. iv. 393; Sowerby, t. 113; B. arboreus, t. 346.
On rotten wood generally in vaults and cellars.

2. M. lamellosus.

Sowerby, t. 403.
In the wine cellars at Wallington, N. — W.C. Trevelyan, Esq.


1. F. hepatica.

Gr. Crypt, t. 270; With. iv. 371; F. buglossoides, Bull. t. 74, 464, 497; Boletus hepaticus, Sowerby, t. 58; Bolton, t. 79; Schaeff. t. 116 and 120; Persoon, Syn. 549.
On trees near Gibside, Beamish, and Cawsey, D. At Fenham, Longhorsley, and Blagdon, N.


1. D. quercina.

Gr. Crypt, t. 238; Persoon, Syn. 500; Agaricus quercinus, With. iv. 370; Sowerby, t. 181; Bolton, t. 73; Batsch. Fasc. i. 95.
In Long-acre, Ravensworth, Gibside, and Cawsey Woods, D. In Horsley Wood and Walbottle Dene, also at Blagdon and Felton, N. Near Darlington, D Mr. E. Robson.

2. D. betulina.

Agaricus betulinus, With. iv. 368; Sowerby, t. 182; Bolton, t. 72, f. 1.
In East Common and Horsley Woods, N. Near Darlington, D. — Mr. E. Robson.

3. D. salicina.

Polyporus salicinus, Gr. Fl. Eds. 400; Boletus salicinus, Sowerby, t. 227; Persoon, Syn. 530; With. iv. 391; Bull. t. 433, f. 1.
On old willows near Gateshead and Saltwellside, D. Near Darlington, D. — Mr. Backhouse. Near Fenham and Earsdon, also at Stannington Bridge, N.

4. D. suaveolens.

Boletus suaveolens, With. iv. 392; Sowerby, t. 288; Bull. t. 310; B. suberosus, Bolton, t. 162.
On willows near the Derwent at Swalwell, also near Little Eppleton and Castle Eden, D. Near Darlington, D. — Mr. E. Robson. Near Stannington Bridge and Bedlington, N.

5. D. confragosa.

Persoon, Syn. 501; Boletus confragosus, Bolton, t. 160; Boletus labyrinthiformis, With. iv. 395; Bull. t. 491, f. 1.
In Blagdon, East Common, and Horsley Woods, N. In Waskerley Dene, D. On willows near Darlington, D. — Bolton.

6. D. albida.

Purton. iii. 243, t. 38; Boletus albidus, With. iv. 386; B. rugosus, Sowerby, t. 422 ?
On the ground near Benwell Lodge, and in Fenham grounds, N. Near Cawsey and Beamish, N.

7. D. angustata.

Persoon, Syn. 502; Boletus angustatus, Sowerby, t. 193; Northumberland and Durham Guide, ii. 97.
In Castle Eden and Ryhope Denes, D. Near Darlington, D — Sent to Sowerby by Mr. E. Robson. In Blagdon, Felton, and Belford Woods, N.


1. P. squamosus.

Gr. Crypt, t. 107; Berwick Flora, ii. 158; Boletus squamosus, With. iv. 388; Bolton, t. 77; Sowerby, t. 206; B. platyporus, Persoon, Syn. 521; B. rangeferinus, Bolton, t. 138; B. polymorphus. Bull. t. 114; B. subsquamosus, Batsch, t. 10, f. 41.
On stumps of Ash trees near Gateshead, at Crow Hall near Heworth, and Saltwellside, D. In Heaton Dene, also at Gosforth, and near Fenham, N. In East Common Wood near Hexham, N. — Mr. F. Scott.

2. P. varius.

Gr. Fl. Eds. 399; Berwick Flora, ii. 157; Boletus varius, Persoon, Syn. 523; P. badius, Persoon, Syn. 523; B. variegatus, Sowerby, t. 368; Northumberland and Durham Guide, ii. 97; B. lateralis, Hook. Fl. Scot. 27; Northumberland and Durham Guide, ii. 95; Bolton, t. 83; With. iv. 390; B. nigripes, With. iv. 381; B. nummularis, With. iv. 380; Sowerby, t. 89, B. calceolus, With. iv. 389; Bolton, 168; Bull, t. 360 and 445, f. 2.
On the trunks of trees in Howns Wood near Me- domsley, and in Cawsey and Gibside Woods, D. At Blagdon, Hartford Bridge, Horsley Wood, and in Dilston Park, N.

3. P. perennis.

Gr. Fl. Eds. 389; Boletus perennis, With.iv. 378; Sowerby, t. 192; Persoon, Syn. 518; Bolton, t. 87; B. fimbriatus, Bull. t. 254.
About the roots of trees in Cawsey and Howns Woods, and near Darlington, D. In East Common and Horsley Woods, also near Fenham, Denton, and Kenton, N.

4. P. lucidus.

Gr. Crypt, t. 245; Boletus lucidus, Persoon, Syn. 522; Sowerby, t. 134; B. rugosus, With. iv. 386; B. obliquatus, Bull. 335, t. 7 and 459.
On the stumps of trees in Scotswood and Walbottle Denes, also near Blagdon and Bedlington, N. In Castle Eden Dene, and near Hetton and Lumley, D.

5. P. betulinus.

Gr. Fl. Eds. 400; Crypt. t. 229; Boletus betulinus, Sowerby, t. 212; Persoon, Syn. 535; With. iv. 387; Bolton, t. 159.
In Schackerton Wood near Darlington, D.— Bolton. In Wallington Woods, N. — W. C. Trevelyan, Esq. In Horsley Wood and Walbottle Dene, N. In Cawsey, Gibside, and Ravensworth Woods, D.

6. P. hispidus.

Gr. Fl. Eds. 400; Crypt, t. 14; Persoon, Syn.