Page:Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne 1838 Vol.2.djvu/118

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Mr. WINCH's Flora of Northumberland, &c.
4. B. subtomentosus.

Gr. Fl. Eds. 404; With. iv. 379; Persoon, Syn. 506; Berwick Flora, ii. 156; B. communis, Bull. 490, f. 3; Schaeff. t. 112 and 133.
In woods and plantations, not rare.

5. B. luridus.

Gr. Crypt, t. 121; Schaeff. t. 107; Persoon, Syn. 512; B. rubeolarius, Bull. t. 100 and 490, f. 1; Persoon, Syn. 512; Sowerby, t. 250; With. iv. 379; B. bovinus, Bolton, t. 85.
Near Sherburn, Greencroft, Castle Eden, and at Baydales near Darlington, D. In East Common and Horsley Woods, N.

6. B. constrictus.

Persoon, Syn. 508; B. cyanescens, Bull. t. 369; With. iv. 374; Northumberland and Durham Guide, ii. 93.
On the edge of the wood near Hamsterley, and in Gibside Woods, D. Near Stannington Bridge and Gosforth, N.

7. B. edulis.

Gr. Fl. Eds. 404; Persoon, Syn. 510; Sowerby, t. 111; With. iv. 381; B. elephantinus, With. iv. 381.
In Gibside, Ravensworth, Longacre, and Bradley Woods, D. In Scotswood and Heaton Denes, N.

8. B. subfuscus.

With. iv. 373; Northumberland and Durham Guide, ii. 93.
In Seggerston Wood and Waskerley Dene, D. Probably a variety of B. edulis.

9. B. scaber.

Gr. Fl. Eds. 405; Persoon, Syn. 505; Berwick Flora, ii. 156; Sowerby, t. 175; B. aurantiacus, Sowerby, t. 110; With. iv. 375; Bull. t. 236 and 489, f. 2, R. S.
In Gibside, Ravensworth, Hamsterley, and Medomsley Woods, also near Sherburn and Darlington, D. In Scotswood, Denton, and Walbottle Denes, N.

10. B. castaneus.

Persoon, Syn. 509; Bull. t. 328; Northumberland and Durham Guide, ii. 94.
In Fir plantations at Butsfleld, Lanchester, and Gibside, D. In Dilston Park, and near Corbridge, N.


1. S. confluens.

Gr. Crypt, t. 248; Fl. Eds. 405; Persoon, Syn. 551; Hydnum sublamellosum, Bull. t. 453, f. 1; Sowerby, t. 112.
In Fir plantations at Butsfield, D. In Dilston Park N.

2. S. cinercum.

Persoon, Syn. 551; Boletus unicolor, Bull. t. 501, f. 3; Bolton, t. 163; With, iv. 396; Sowerby, t. 325.
In East Common Wood, Scotswood and Heaton Denes, also near Bywell, N. In Howns, Longacre, Bradley, and Gibside Woods, D. At Baydales near Darlington, D. — Mr. Backhouse.

3. S. cerasi.

Persoon, Syn. 552.
On the branches of the Plum and Cherry, N. and D.

4. S. spatulatum.

Persoon, Syn. 553; Hydnum spatulatum, Gr. Fl. Eds. 406.
On prostrate trunks of trees, not rare.

110. HYDNUM.

1. H. repandum.

Gr. Fl. Eds. 405; Crypt, t. 44; Sowerbv, t. 176; Berwick Flora, ii. 162; Bolton, t. 89; With. iv. 403; Persoon, Syn. 555; Bull. t. 172; H. rufescens, Schaeff. t. 141.
In East Common Wood, and woods near Corbridge, N. In Bradley and Cawsey Woods, D. Near Darlington. — Mr. E. Robson.

2. H. Auriscalpium.

Gr. Fl. Eds. 406; Crypt, t. 196; Berwick Flora, ii. 162; Schaeff. t. 143; Bull. t. 481; With. iv. 401; Persoon, Syn. 557; Lightfoot, 1042.
On the cones of Pinus sylvestris, in Raby Park, also near Darlington, D. At Benwell and Blagdon, N. In East Common Wood near Hexham. — Mr. F. Scott, Sp. In woods at Wallington.— W.C. Trevelyan, Esq. In the vicinity of Berwick, N. — Dr. G. Johnston.

3. H. Erinaceus.

Bull. t. 34; Dick. Crypt. Fasc. ii. 24; With. iv. 404; Persoon, Syn. 560.
In East Common and Horsley Woods, N.

4. H.? Barba Jovis.

With. iv. 405; Sowerby, t. 328; Bull. 481, f. 2; Northumberland and Durham Guide, ii. 98.
On the under side of decayed wood. Near Castle Eden and Hetton, D. At Darlington, D. — Mr. E. Robson. In Felton Woods, and near Longhorsley, N.


1. T. laciniata.

Gr. Crypt, t. 264; Persoon, Syn. 567; Auricularia caryophyllaea, Sowerby, t. 213; Helvella caryophyllacea, Bolton, 173; Merulius caryophyllaceus, With. iv. 200; T. caryophyllaea, Gr. Fl. Eds. 406.
On stumps of trees in Howns, Bradley, and Gibside Woods, D. Near Benwell, Fenham, and Denton, N. On Hexham Fell, N.— Mr. F. Scott.

2. T. terrestris.

Gr. Fl. Eds. 400; Persoon, Syn. 506.
In Fir plantations, but not frequent. In Twizell Dene, N. — Mrs. Selby, Sps. from Dr. G. Johnston.


1. A. ferruginea.

With. iv. 410; Berwick Flora, ii. 161; Bull. t. 378; Sowerby, t. 26; Bolton, t. 82, d.; Thelephora rubiginosa, Gr. Fl. Eds. 408; Persoon, Syn. 567.
On decayed wood, not rare. In East Common Wood and Dilston Park, N.

2. A. nicotiana.

With. iv. 410; Bolton, t. 174; A. tabacina, Sowerby, t. 25; Thelephora ferruginea, Persoon, Syn. 569.
On wood in a state of decay, not rare, N. and D. Near Darlington Robson.

3. A. corylea.

Berwick Flora, ii. 161; Thelephora corylea, Gr. Fl. Eds. 408.
On dead Hazel trees, sent to Dr. G. Johnston, from the neighbourhood of Wooler, N., by J. Mitchell, Esq.