Page:Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne 1838 Vol.2.djvu/119

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Mr. WINCH's Flora of Northumberland, &c.
4. A. papyrina.

With. iv. 410; Sowerby, t. 349; Bull. t. 402; Thelephora laevis, Persoon, Syn. 575.
On pales near Staindrop, also near Medomsley, D. Near Darlington, D. — Mr. E. Robson.

5. A. corticalis.

With. iv. 410; Berwick Flora, ii. 161; Bull. t. 436, f. 1; Thelophora quercina, Gr. Crypt. 1. 142; Persoon, Syn, 573.
On dead branches of the Oak, not rare, N and D. In Wellington Woods, N.

6. A. cinerea.

Sowerby, t. 388, f. 3; Northumberland and Durham Guide, ii. 99.
On the dead branches of trees.
Probably a variety of A. corticalis.

7. A. refexa.

With. iv. 412; Gr. Crypt. t. 256; Berwick Flora, ii. 161; Bull. t. 274; Sowerby, t. 27; Boletus auriformis, Bolton, t. 82, f. C.; Thelephora hirsuta, Persoon, Syn. 570.
On the dead branches of trees, posts, and paling, abundant.

8. A. fraxinea.

Thelephora fraxinea, Gr. Fl. Eds. 410; T. cinerea β, Persoon, Syn. 580.
On dead branches of the Ash, frequent.

9. A. tremelloides.

With. iv. 412; Bull. t. 290; A. corrugata, Sowerby, t. 290; Helvella mescuterica, Bolton, 1. 172; Teelephora mesenterica, Persoon, Syn. 571; T. purpurea, Persoon, Syn. 571.
On rotten wood, not rare, N. and D. On the Bedey Hills, abundant, and in East Common Wood, N.

10. A. elegans.

Sowerby, t. 412; Purton, t. 6.
On Ash trees in Longacre Wood, D.

11. A. laevis.

Sowerby, t. 388, f. 2; Northumberland and Durham Guide, ii. 99; Thelephora hepatica, Fr. iv. 11, p. 19.
In East Common Wood and Walbottle D.

12. A. intybacca.

Thelephora intybacca, Persoon, Syn. 567; Gr. Fl. Eds. 407.
Near the ground on stumps of trees.

13. A. persistens.

Sowerby, t. 388, f. 1; Thelephora purpurea, Persoon, Syn. 571; Gr. Fl. Eds. 407.
On stumps of trees, gate posts, &c.

14. A. corylea,

Thelephora corylea, Gr. Fl. Eds. 408; T. rugosa, β, Persoon, Syn. 569.
On dead Hazel sticks in woods, frequent, N. and D. Near Berwick. — Dr. G. Johnston.

15. A. ochracea.

Thelephora ochracea, Gr. Fl. Eds. 408.
On decayed trees, not rare.

16. A. Corium.

Thelephora Corium, Gr. Crypt. t. 147; Persoon, Syn. 574; Gr. Fl. Eds. 409.
On dead branches in Walbottle Dene, N.

17. A. quercina.

Thelephora quercina, Gr. Fl. Eds. 409; Persoon, Syn. 573.
On dead branches of the Oak, not rare, N. and D. Near Berwick. — Dr. G. Johnston.

18. A. Padi.

Thelephora Padi, Gr. Crypt, t. 234.
On dead branches of the Bird Cherry, Oak, and Hazel, N. and D.

19. A. sanguinolenta.

Thelephora sanguinolenta, Gr. Fl. Eds. 409; Crypt, t. 225.
On the trunks of Fir trees, not uncommon. At Benwell and Fenham, N. At Lanchester and the Woodlands, D.

20. A. sinuans.

Thelephora sinnans, Gr. Fl. Eds. 409.
On the branches of old Oak trees, N. and D.

21. A. Tiliae.

Thelephora Tiliae; Gr. Fl. Eds. 410.
On dead branches of the Lime, not rare.

22. A. epidermea.

Thelephora epidermea, Gr. Fl. Eds. 410.
On dead branches of trees, N. and D.

23. A. incrustans.

Thelephora incrustans, Gr. Fl. Eds. 410; Persoon, Syn. 577; T. sebacea, Persoon, Syn. 577.
On the mossy trunks of trees, not rare.

24. A. calcea.

Thelephora calcea, Gr. Fl. Eds. 411; Persoon, Syn. 581.
On decayed trees, frequent.

25. A. Sambuci.

Thelephora Sambuci, Gr. Fl. Eds. 411; Crypt, t. 242.
On dead trunks of the Elder near Team and Field House, D. Near Benwell and Denton, N.


1. M. cristatum.

Gr. Fl. Eds. 411; Persoon, Syn. 583; Clavaria laciniata, Sowerby, t. 158; With. iv. 436.
In Walbottle and Denton Denes, N. In Cawsey, Longacre, Ravensworth, and Bradley Woods, D.

2. M. foetidum.

Gr. Crypt. t. 46; Clavaria anthrocephala, With. iv. 437; Bull. t. 452, f. 1; Sowerby, t. 156.
On decayed leaves and sticks in Ravensworth Woods, D. In East Common Wood and Scotswood Dene, N.


1. C. cristata.

Gr. Crypt. t. 190; Persoon, Syn. 591; C. albida, Schaeff. t. 170.
In Ravensworth and Longacre Woods, D. In Heaton and Scotswood Denes, N.

2. C. pratensis.

Gr. Fl. Scot. 412; Persoon, Syn. 590; Berwick Flora, ii. 154; C. fastigiata; Hook. Fl. Scot. ii. 29; Bull. t. 538; With. iv. 438.
In meadows and pastures, and on the borders of woods.

3. C. corniculata.

Gr. Fl. Eds. 412; Persoon, Syn. 589; Schaeff. t. 173; C. muscoides, Sowerby, t. 157; Bolton, t. 114; Bull. t. 351, f. A. B.; With. iv. 339.
In Gibside, Bradley, and Longacre Woods, D. In East Common and Horsley Woods, N.

4. C. abictina.

Gr. Fl. Eds. 412; Persoon, Syn. 589; Gr. Crypt. t. 117.VOL. II. F f