Page:Transactions of the Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham, and Newcastle-upon-Tyne 1838 Vol.2.djvu/73

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Mr. WINCH's Flora of Northumberland, &c.

On the banks of the rivers Tweed, Tyne, Derwent, Wear, and Tees, N. and D., but not very abundant, nor does it occur near Newcastle.

11. S. Forbiana. Basket Osier.

Sm. Eng. Fl. iv. 191; Eng. Bot. 1344; With. ii. 64; Berwick Flora, 214; S. fissa, Sm. Linn. Tr. vi. 115.
Mas. and Foem. On the banks of Team, Derwent, Tees, Tyne, and Wear, N. and D. By the Tyne at Hopper's Fishery below Paradise, N. On the banks of Wooler Water, N. — Dr. G. Johnston.
Very distinct from S. Helix in the shape and texture of its leaves and its mode of growth. The figure in the English Botany is but indifferent.

12. S. rubra. Green-leaved Osier.

Sm. Eng. Fl. iv. 191; Eng. Bot. 1145; With. ii. 64; S. fissa. Hoff. Sal. i. 61, t. 13, 14.
Mas. and Foem. By the Wear at Durham, and Chester-le-Street new bridge, also on the banks of the Derwent near Ebchester, D. — Foem. About Newcastle N., and Gateshead D.

13. S. Croweana. Broad-leaved Monadelphous Willow.

Sm. Eng. Fl. iv. 192; Eng. Bot. 1146; With. ii. 65; S. Weigilliana β, Hook. Br. Fl. 429; S. nitens, Foem. Eng. Bot. t. 2655.
Mas. North of Cambo, and near Roadley Lake, N. — Mas. and Foem. On the banks of Tees near Eglestone, and above Middleton-in-Teesdale, also of Wear at Burtreeford in Weardale, D. On the banks of Derwent, and of Beldon and Nuckton Bourns above Blanchland, N. and D.
With us, the stamens of this willow are combined, proving it to be distinct from Salix Weigelliana, of Willdenow, its germens are also downy as Smith correctly described them.— See Hook. Eng. Fl. p. 430.

14. S. arenaria. Downy Mountain Willow.

Sm. Eng. Fl iv. 204; Eng. Bot. 1809; Hook. Fl. Scot. 283; With. ii. 78; S. lapponum, Lightfoot, 604; Hudson, 651.
Foem. On the Teesdale moors, but I do not know the exact spot, D. — Rev. J. Harriman, Sp.
Its most southern locality.

15. S. argentea. Silky Sand Willow.

Sm. Eng. Fl. iv. 206; Eng. Bot. 1364; With. ii. 78; Berwick Flora, 214; S. arenaria, Lightfoot, 604; S. repens, Hook. Fl. Scot. 284.
Near Percy's Cross and by Roadley Lake, N. On the sea sands near Berwick. — Dr. G. Johnston. At Birch Carr, D.—Mr. Janson.
Probably an erect growing variety of S. repens.

16. S. repens. Creeping Dwarf Willow.

Sm. Eng. Fl. iv. 209; Eng. Bot. 183; With. ii. 81; Hook. Fl. Scot. 284; Berwick Flora, 214; S. prostrata, Eng. Bot. 1959; Berwick Flora, 214; S. parvifolia, 1969; S. ascendens, Eng. Bot. 1962.
On wet moors, not rare. Newcastle Town Moor, N.; Gateshead Fell D. Near Berwick. — Dr. G.Johnston.

17. S. fusca. Brownish Dwarf Willow.

Sm. Eng. Fl. iv. 210; Eng. Bot. 1960; With. ii. 80; S. repens δ, Hook. Fl. Scot. 284.
Mas. In barren pastures near Shewing Shields, on the Roman Wall, N. On the banks of Waskerley Bourn, D.
This little willow is well figured in the English Botany, it is a dwarf, but upright shrub, with nearly smooth leaves. Having never seen female catkins, I will not take upon me to say that it may not be one of the endless varieties of Salix repens.

18. S. rosmarinifolia. Rosemary-leaved Willow.

Sm. Eng. Fl. iv. 214; Eng. Bot. 1365; With. ii. 82.
Foem. On the banks of the Derwent, near Friar Side, D. Near Ebchester, D.— Mr. J. Thornhill.

19. S. aurita. Round-eared Willow, Trailing Sallow.

Sm. Eng. Fl. iv. 216; Eng. Bot. 1487; With. ii. 83; Berwick Flora, 215; Hook. Fl. Scot. 285;
β Dill. Ray, 450.
α In woods and hedges; β on sterile moors.

20. S. aquatica. Common Willow, Water Sallow.

Sm. Eng. Fl. iv. 218; Eng. Bot. 1437; With. ii. 83; Berwick Flora, 215; S. cinerea, Hook. Fl. Scot. 284.
β S. oleifolia, Sm. Eng. Fl. iv. 219; Eng. Bot. 1402; With. ii. 84; Berwick Flora, 216; Forster's Tonb. 111; S. cinerea, Hook. Fl. Scot. 284
γ S. cinerea, Sm. Eng. Fl. iv. 215; Eng. Bot. 1897; With. ii. 82; Forster, Tonb. 111; Berwick Flora, 215.
α In woods and hedges, common; β generally on the banks of rivers, γ on the banks of Irthing near Gilsland, N. In hedges about two miles north of Chester-le-Street, D. In Allerton Mil! Dene and other places near Berwick — Dr. G. Johnston. Through the medium of specimens communicated to me long ago by Mr. E. Forster and Mr. D. Turner, I am acquainted with the three preceding varieties of this willow, considered by Smith as three species. The fructifications of all, are alike, the leaves of α are broader than those of β, which is the only difference between them, but γ has rather a better right to be considered distinct. It is a low growing tree, with leaves much smaller than the first and second varieties. At the foot of Derwentwater, Cumberland, it is abundant.

21. S. hirta. Hairy-branched Sallow.

Sm. Eng. Fl. iv. 221; Eng. Bot. 1404; Hook. Br. Fl. 426; With. ii. 90.
In Castle Eden Dene, D. — Mr. Backhouse.

22. S. rupestris. Silky Rock Sallow.

Sm. Eng. Fl. iv. 222; Eng. Bot. 2342; With. ii. 90; Hook. Fl. Scot. 285; Br. Fl. 427.
Foem. By the Derwent above Blanchland, N. and D. By the Wear near Burtreeford, D.

23. S. Andersoniana. Green Mountain Sallow.

Sm. Eng. Fl. iv. 223; Eng. Bot. 2343; Hook. Fl. Scot. 285; Br. Fl. 427.
Mas. In Heaton Dene. Foem. By the River Derwent above Blanchland, N.

24. S. Forsteriana. Glaucous Mountain Sallow.

Sm. Eng. Fl. iv. 224; Eng. Bot. 2344; Hook. Fl. Scot. 285; Br. Fl. 427.
Foem. In Heaton Dene, N. On the south banks of Tyne near Friar's Goose, D. By the Derwent above Blanchland, N. and D. In a hedge at Mount Pleasant near Berwick. — Dr. G. Johnston. In hedges near the Chain Bridge over the Tweed, N.

25. S. caprea. Great Round-leaved Sallow.

Sm. Eng. Fl. iv. 225; Eng. Bot. 1488; Hook. Fl. Scot. 286; With. ii. 85; Berwick Flora, 217. In woods and hedges, common.