Page:Travel and Adventure in South-East Africa.djvu/16

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Geographical Journal for April 1893. My best thanks are also due to Messrs. E. A. Maund, W. Franceys, and W. Ellerton Fry, for the numerous photographs of views taken by them in the interior of Africa, all of which were generously placed at my disposal from which to select suitable subjects for illustrations.

The manuscript of the book has been most carefully read over by Mr. John Coles, F.R.A.S., the Map Curator of the Royal Geographical Society, and travel-editor of the Field newspaper, who has always taken more than a friendly interest in my career as a hunter, naturalist, and explorer. At his suggestion I have adopted the spelling of native names recommended by the Royal Geographical Society.

Finally my thanks are due to my publishers, Messrs. Rowland Ward and Co., for the great pains they have taken to turn out the book in the best possible manner. The best artists procurable have been employed, and Mr. Rowland Ward has himself spent much time in personally supervising the many spirited drawings which cannot but add to any value the book may have.

The Author.
