Page:Treaty of Peace - Trianon (1920).pdf/105

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connection wholly in Roumanian territory between the Nagyszalonta-Békéscsaba and the Kisjenö-Békéscsaba lines or at the expiration of ten years from the coming into force of the present Treaty.

The establishment of all the new frontier stations between Hungary and the contiguous Allied and Associated States, as well as the working of the lines between those stations, shall be settled by agreements similarly concluded.

Article 303.

In order to assure to the town and district of Gola in Serb-Croat-Slovene territory the use of the station of Gola in Hungarian territory and of the railway serving the same, and in order to ensure the free use to Serb-Croat-Slovene traffic of direct railway connection between the Csáktornya-Nagy-Kanisza line and the Zágráb-Gyékenyés line during the time required for the completion of a direct railway in Serb-Croat-Slovene territory between the above lines, the conditions of working of the station of Gola and of the railway from Kotor to Barcz shall be laid down in a convention between the Hungarian and Serb-Croat-Slovene railway administrations concerned. If these administrations cannot come to an agreement as to the terms of such convention, the points of difference shall be decided by the competent Commission of experts referred to in Article 301 of the present Treaty.

Article 304.

With the object of ensuring regular utilization of the railroads of the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy owned by private companies which, as a result of the stipulations of the present Treaty, will be situated in the territory of several States, the administrative and technical re-organisation of the said lines shall be regulated in each instance by an agreement between the owning company and the States territorially concerned.

Any differences on which agreement is not reached, including questions relating to the interpretation of contracts concerning the expropriation of the lines, shall be submitted to arbitrators designated by the Council of the League of Nations.

This arbitration may, as regards the South Austrian Railway Company, be required either by the Board of Management or by the Committee representing the bondholders.

Article 305.

Within a period of five years from the coming into force of the present Treaty, the Czecho-Slovak State may require the improvement of the Bratislava (Pressburg)–Nagy–Kanisza line on Hungarian territory.

The expenses shall be divided in proportion to the advantages derived by the interested States. Failing agreement, such division shall be made by an arbitrator appointed by the League of Nations.

Article 306.

In view of the importance to the Czecho-Slovak State of free communication between that State and the Adriatic, Hungary recognises the right of the Czecho-Slovak State to run its own trains over the sections included within her territory of the following lines:

(1) from Bratislava (Pressburg) towards Fiume via Sopron, Szombathely and Mura-Keresztur, and a branch from Mura-Keresztur towards Pragerhof;

(2) from Bratislava (Pressburg) towards Fiume via Hegyeshalon, Csorna, Hegyfalu, Zalaber, Zalaszentiván, Mura-Keresztur, and the branch lines from Hegyfalu to Szombathely and from Mura-Keresztur to Pragerhof.

On the application of either party, the route to be followed by the Czecho-Slovak trains may be modified either permanently or temporarily by mutual agreement between the Czecho-Slovak Railway Administration and those of the railways over which the running powers are exercised.

Article 307.

The trains for which the running powers are used shall not engage in local traffic, except by agreement between the State traversed and the Czecho-Slovak State.