Page:Treaty of Peace - Trianon (1920).pdf/106

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Such running powers will include, in particular, the right to establish running sheds with small shops for minor repairs to locomotives and rolling-stock, and to appoint representatives where necessary to supervise the working of Czecho-Slovak trains.

The technical, administrative and financial conditions under which the rights of the Czecho-Slovak State shall be exercised shall be laid down in a Convention between the railway administration of the Czecho-Slovak State and the railway administrations of the Hungarian systems concerned. If the administrations cannot come to an agreement on the terms of this Convention, the points of difference shall be decided by an arbitrator nominated by Great Britain, and his decisions shall be binding on all parties.

In the event of disagreement as to the interpretation of the Convention or of difficulties arising unprovided for in the Convention, the same form of arbitration will be adopted until such time as the League of Nations may lay down some other procedure.

Chapter VI.
Transitory Provision.

Article 308.

Hungary shall carry out the instructions given her, in regard to transport, by an authorised body acting on behalf of the Allied and Associated Powers:

(1) for the carriage of troops under the provisions of the present Treaty, and of material, ammunition and supplies for army use;

(2) as a temporary measure, for the transportation of supplies for certain regions, as well as for the restoration, as rapidly as possible, of the normal conditions of transport, and for the organisation of postal and telegraphic services.

Chapter VII.
Telegraphs and Telephones.

Article 309.

Notwithstanding any contrary stipulations in existing treaties, Hungary undertakes to grant freedom of transit for telegraphic correspondence and telephonic communications coming from or going to any one of the Allied and Associated Powers, whether neighbours or not, over such lines as may be most suitable for international transit and in accordance with the tariffs in force. This correspondence and these communications shall be subjected to no delay or restriction; they shall enjoy in Hungary national treatment in regard to every kind of facility and especially in regard to rapidity of transmission. No payment, facility or restriction shall depend directly or indirectly on the nationality of the transmitter or the addressee.

Article 310.

In view of the geographical situation of the Czecho-Slovak State, Hungary agrees to the following modifications in the International Telegraph and Telephone Conventions referred to in Article 218, Part X (Economic Clauses), of the present Treaty:

(1) On the demand of the Czecho-Slovak State, Hungary shall provide and maintain trunk telegraph lines across Hungarian territory.

(2) The annual rent to be paid by the Czecho-Slovak State for each of such lines will be calculated in accordance with the provisions of the above-mentioned Conventions, but unless otherwise agreed shall not be less than the sum which would be payable under those Conventions for the number of messages laid down in those Conventions as conferring the right to demand a new trunk line, taking as a basis the reduced tariff provided for in Article 23, paragraph 5, of the International Telegraph Convention as revised at Lisbon.

(3) So long as the Czecho-Slovak State shall pay the above minimum annual rent of a trunk line:

(a) The line shall be reserved exclusively for transit traffic to and from the Czecho-Slovak State;