Page:Treaty of Peace - Trianon (1920).pdf/22

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thence to a point near point 125 about 11/2 kilometres south of Alsomihalyi,

the course of the Ronyva upstream;

thence north-westwards to a point on the Hernad opposite point 167 on the right bank south-west of Abaujnadasd,

a line to be fixed on the ground following approximately the watershed between the basins of the Ronyva on the east and the Bozsva on the west, but passing about 2 kilometres east of Pusztafalu, turning south-westwards at point 896, cutting at point 424 the Kassa–Satoralja road and passing south of Abaujnadasd;

thence to a point to be selected on the ground about 1½ kilometres south-west of Abaujvar,

the course of the Hernad downstream;

thence westwards to point 330 about 11/2 kilometres south-south-west of Pereny,

a line to be fixed on the ground leaving to Czecho-Slovakia the villages of Miglecznemeti and Pereny, and to Hungary the village of Tornyosnemeti;

thence westwards to point 291 about 31/2 kilometres south-east of Janok,

the watershed between the basins of the Bodva on the north and the Rakacza on the south, but leaving in Hungarian territory the road on the crest south-east of Buzita;

thence west-north-westwards to point 431 about 3 kilometres south-west of Torna,

a line to be fixed on the ground leaving to Czecho-Slovakia Janok, Tornahorvati and Bodvavendegi, and to Hungary Tornaszentjakab and Hidvegardo;

thence south-westwards to point 365 about 12 kilometres south-south-east of Pelsöcz,

a line to be fixed on the ground passing through points 601, 381 (on the Rozsnyo–Edeleny road), 557 and 502;

thence south-south-westwards to point 305 about 7 kilometres north-west of Putnok,

the watershed between the basins of the Sajo on the west and the Szuha and Kelemeri on the east;

thence south-south-westwards to point 278 south of the confluence of the Sajo and the Rima,

a line to be fixed on the ground, leaving Banreve station to Hungary while permitting, if required, the construction in Czecho-Slovak territory of a connection between the Pelsöcz and Losoncz railway lines;

thence south-westwards to point 485 about 10 kilometres east-north-east of Salgotarjan,

a line to be fixed on the ground following approximately the watershed between the basins of the Rima to the north and the Hangony and Tarna rivers to the south;

thence west-north-westwards to point 727,

a line to be fixed on the ground leaving to Hungary the villages and mines of Zagyva-Rona and Salgo, and passing south of Somos-Ujfalu station;

thence north-westwards to point 391 about 7 kilometres east of Litke,

a line following approximately the crest bounding on the north-east the basin of the Dobroda and passing through point 446;

thence north-westwards to a point to be selected on the course of the Eipel (Ipoly) about 1½ kilometres north-east of Tarnocz,

a line to be fixed on the ground passing through point 312 and between Tarnocz and Kalonda;

thence south-westwards to a point to be selected in the bend of the Eipel about 1 kilometre south of Tesmag,

the course of the Eipel downstream;

thence westwards to a point to be selected on the course of the Eipel about 1 kilometre west of Tesa,

a line to be fixed on the ground so as to pass south of the station of Ipolysag and to leave entirely in Czecho-Slovak territory the railway from Ipolysag to Csata together with the branch line to Korpona (Karpfen), but leaving Bernecze and Tesa to Hungary;