Page:Treaty of Peace - Trianon (1920).pdf/23

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thence southwards to its confluence with the Danube,

the course of the Eipel downstream;

thence to a point to be selected about 2 kilometres east of Antonienhof (east of Kittsee),

the principal channel of navigation of the Danube upstream;

thence westwards to a point to be selected on the ground about 1 kilometre west of Antonienhof (east of Kittsee), this point being the point common to the three frontiers of Austria, Hungary and Czecho-Slovakia,

a line to be fixed on the ground.

Article 28.

The frontiers described by the present Treaty are traced, for such parts as are defined, on the one in a million map attached to the present Treaty. In case of differences between the text and the map, the text will prevail.

Article 29.

Boundary Commissions, whose composition is or will be fixed in the present Treaty or in any other Treaty between the Principal Allied and Associated Powers and the, or any, interested States, will have to trace these frontiers on the ground.

They shall have the power, not only of fixing those portions which are defined as “a line to be fixed on the ground,” but also, where a request to that effect is made by one of the States concerned, and the Commission is satisfied that it is desirable to do so, of revising portions defined by administrative boundaries; this shall not however apply in the case of international frontiers existing in August, 1914, where the task of the Commission will confine itself to the re-establishment of sign-posts and boundary-marks. They shall endeavour in both cases to follow as nearly as possible the descriptions given in the Treaties, taking into account as far as possible administrative boundaries and local economic interests.

The decisions of the Commissions will be taken by a majority, and shall be binding on the parties concerned.

The expenses of the Boundary Commissions will be borne in equal shares by the two States concerned.

Article 30.

In so far as frontiers defined by a waterway are concerned, the phrases “course” or “channel” used in the descriptions of the present Treaty signify, as regards non-navigable rivers, the median line of the waterway or of its principal branch, and, as regards navigable rivers, the median line of the principal channel of navigation. It will rest with the Boundary Commissions provided for by the present Treaty to specify whether the frontier line shall follow any changes of the course or channel which may take place, or whether it shall be definitely fixed by the position of the course or channel at the time when the present Treaty comes into force.

Article 31.

The various States interested undertake to furnish to the Commissions all documents necessary for their tasks, especially authentic copies of agreements fixing existing or old frontiers, all large scale maps in existence, geodetic data, surveys completed but unpublished, and information concerning the changes of frontier watercourses.

They also undertake to instruct the local authorities to communicate to the Commissions all documents, especially plans, cadastral and land books, and to furnish on demand all details regarding property, existing economic conditions, and other necessary information.

Article 32.

The various States interested undertake to give every assistance to the Boundary Commissions, whether directly or through local authorities, in everything that concerns transport, accommodation, labour, material (sign-posts, boundary pillars) necessary for the accomplishment of their mission.