Page:True tale of Robin Hood (2).pdf/16

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All things that he could think upon
To vex such sort of men,

He enterpriz'd with hateful spleen,
in which he was to blame;
For fault of all too wreak his spleen
On all that by him came.

With the wealth that he by robbing go,
Eight alms-houses he built,
Thinking thereby to purge the blot
Of blood that he had spilt,

Such were their blind devotions then,
Depending on their works;
Which if true we Christian men
Inferior ara to Turk

But to speak true of Robin Hood,
And wrong him not a lot,
He would not shed any man's blood,
That him invaded not:

Nor would he injure husbandmen
That rail'd at cart and plow
For well he knew it were not for them
To live no men knew how

The King in person with some lords,
To Nottingham did ride
To know what strength and skill afford,
To tame this out-aw's pride,

And as he ere before had done, He did again proclaim,
That whosoe'er would take upon
To bring to Nottingham,