Page:True tale of Robin Hood (2).pdf/17

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Or any place within the lan',
Rebellious Robin Hood,
Should be preffered in place to stand,
With those of Royal Blood.

When Robin Hood had heard the same
Within a little space,
Into the town of Nottingham.
A letter to his Grace

He shot upon an arrow head,
One evening cunningly:
Which before the Lords was read,
Unto his Majesty.

The tenor of that letter was,
That Robin would submit, And be true Liegeman to his Grace,
In every thing that's fit;

So that his highness would forgive
Him and his merry men all.
If not he must in the Green Wood stay
And take what chance befal,

The King would have pardon'd him,
But that some Lords did say,
This president will much condemn
Your Grace another day

While the King and Lords did stay,
Debating on this thing,
Some of the out-laws fled away
Unto the Scottish King.

For they suppos'd it he was ta'en, Or to the King did yield,