Page:Tycho brahe.djvu/261

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in the baptismal service, a great crime in a Lutheran country, because it had been omitted by Zwingli and Calvin, but retained by Luther.[1] The "concubine" would a few years earlier have been called Tycho's lawful wife, as we have already shown, and though Tycho may not have been a regular attendant at the church of Hveen, he was unquestionably a man of a religious mind, as many passages in his writings show very clearly.[2] Bishop Winstrup was not very friendly to Tycho (as had appeared during the proceedings about Gellius before the University), and the minister of Hveen was probably not a very desirable person, as he afterwards, while staying with Tycho in Holstein, tried to make mischief between him and the steward left behind at Hveen.[3] That Tycho should not generally have conformed to the usage of the Lutheran Church seems unlikely when we remember his intimate friendship with Vedel, as well as the fact that there were several future clergymen, and not less than four future bishops, among his resident pupils.

  1. It is curious that King Christian IV. already in 1606 desired Bishop Winstrup, when a little princess was being christened, to leave out the exorcism. D. Mag., ii. 319.
  2. Riccioli quotes Progymn., pp. 712, 777, to show that Tycho had too much veneration for Luther, Melanchthon, and Chytræus, "those pests of the human race" (Kästner, Gesch. der Math., ii. p. 407). Gassendi, on the other hand, by several extracts shows how full of true religious feeling Tycho always was when speaking of the Creator of the Universe (p. 190 et seq.).
  3. Danske Mag., ii. p. 318 (Weistritz, ii. p. 305), quoting a letter from Tycho to Holger Rosenkrands. In the above-mentioned letter to Grynæus, Tycho thus describes the incidents narrated above: "Accesserunt et aliæ non pauculæ tribulationes, quibus abitum meum eo citius promoverunt, adeo ut ne quidem a Parocho meo in mei contumeliam et despectum persequendo abstinuerint, quod is detestandum et impium istum Exorcismum in Pædobaptismo meo conscio omiserit. Ideoque officio privatum, et per integrum mensem citra latam sententiam incarceratum, parum abfuit, quin etiam capite plecterent, nisi ego cum meis Amicis apud reliquum Regni senatum tantam sævitiam avertissem. Quin et Rusticos tam contra me quam eundem Parochum meum clancularie excitatos tantum aberat, ut secundum leges (prout urgebam) eorum iniustam perfidiam et rebellionem refrænare voluerint, ut potius horum immerita defensione suscepta in malitia illos confirmarint. Ego autem Parochum tandem ex istis afflictionibus liberatum in Germaniam mecum recepi."