Page:Tycho brahe.djvu/262

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It is not quite certain whether Tycho was still at Hveen during the month of April, while his treatment of the tenants and the conduct of the clergyman were being investigated. By the end of March the removal of his instruments, printing-press, and furniture had been completed, and only four of the largest instruments were left behind for a while, as too troublesome to move.[1] Shortly after Easter, Tycho Brahe and his family left their home at Hveen for ever, and took up their residence temporarily at Copenhagen.[2]

  1. These were: Armillæ maximæ (with the equatorial arc belonging thereto), and Quadrans chalybeus magnus, both at Stjerneborg; the great Mural quadrant and Semicirculus magnus azimuthalis, the latter of which was in the southern observatory at Uraniborg. See Tycho's account, De occasione interrupt. obs., Barrettus, p. 801.
  2. The diary and the account in the observing ledger (Barrettus, p. 801) differ as to the date of Tycho's departure from Hveen. In the latter he says that he left the island with his family "statim a Paschatis Festo die 29 Aprilis" (most distinctly written in the original MS.) But Easter was the 27th March. The diary is silent from the 22nd March to the 10th April inclusive, "propter alias occupationes observasse aut notasse non potuimus," and under April 11 it has: "Primum ingressi sumus novum Musæum Hafniense." On the 17th April: "Profectus est Tycho Roschyldiam." The diary stops abruptly on April 22nd at the middle of a page, and was never taken up again. Probably it was on the 29th March that Tycho left Hveen, and this is confirmed by his German account, in which he says that he was at Copenhagen "in die dritte Monat," i.e., more than two months.