Page:US Senate Report on CIA Detention Interrogation Program.pdf/116

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disclosures when he believes people, emails, or other source material are available to the USG for checking his responses."[1]

(TS// //NF) The same day, KSM provided additional information on the Heathrow Airport plotting, much of which he would recant in 2004.[2] KSM also discussed Jaffar al-Tayyar again, prompting the detention site personnel to refer to the "all-purpose" al-Tayyar whom KSM had "woven... into practically every story, each time with a different role."[3] After KSM had included al-Tayyar in his discussion of Majid Khan's gas station plot, KSM debriefer   wrote in an email that "[t]oday [al-Tayyar's] working with Majid Khan, yesterday the London crowd, the day before Padilla – you get the point."[4] Beginning the evening of March 18, 2003, KSM began a period of sleep deprivation, most of it in the standing position, which would last for seven and a half days, or approximately 180 hours.[5]

(TS// //NF) On March 19, 2003, the interrogators at the detention site decided to waterboard KSM due to KSM's inconsistent information about Jaffar al-Tayyar's passport.[6] According to CIA cables, after assuming his position on the waterboard, KSM "seemed to lose control" and appeared "somewhat frantic," stating that he "had been forced to lie, and ma[k]e up stories about" Jaffar al-Tayyar because of his interrogators.[7] KSM then stated that his reporting on al-Tayyar's role in Majid Khan's plotting was a "complete fabrication" and that al-Tayyar had been compromised as an operative and that as a result, al-Tayyar could not be used for a terrorist operation.[8] In response, the interrogators told KSM that they only wanted to hear him speak if he was revealing information on the next attack.[9] Deputy Chief of ALEC Station   later told the inspector general that it was around this time that contract interrogator DUNBAR stated that "he had not seen a 'resistor' [sic] like KSM, and was 'going to go to school on this guy.'"[10] According to CIA records, the interrogators then "devote[d] all measures to pressuring [KSM] on the single issue of the 'next attack on America,'" including attention grabs, insult slaps, walling, water dousing, and additional waterboard sessions.[11]

(TS// //NF) On March 20, 2003, KSM continued to be subjected to the CIA's enhanced interrogation techniques throughout the day, including a period of "intense questioning

  1.   10884 (182140Z MAR 03)
  2.   10883 (182127Z MAR 03), disseminated as  ;   22939 (031541Z JUL 04). CIA records indicate that CIA officers believed that KSM's recantations were credible. See KSM detainee review in Volume III.
  3.   10884 (182140Z MAR 03)
  4. Email from: [REDACTED], OFFICE:  ; to: [REDACTED]; subject: JAFAR REQUEST; date: March 18, 2003, at 08:16:07 PM.
  5.   10884 (182140Z MAR 03);   10888 (190805Z MAR 03);   10999 (260835Z MAR 03);   10969 (240950Z MAR 03)
  6.   10892 (191503Z MAR 03);   10902 (201037Z MAR 03)
  7.   10902 (201037Z MAR 03)
  8.   10894 (191513Z MAR 03);   10902 (201037Z MAR 03)
  9.   10902 (201037Z MAR 03)
  10. Interview of  , by [REDACTED] and [REDACTED], Office of the Inspector General, April 3, 2003.
  11.   10902 (201037Z MAR 03);   10900 (191907Z MAR 03);   10896 (191524Z MAR 03)

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