Page:US Senate Report on CIA Detention Interrogation Program.pdf/117

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and walling."[1] KSM was described as "[t]ired and sore," with abrasions on his ankles, shins, and wrists, as well as on the back of his head.[2] He also suffered from pedal enema resulting from extended standing.[3] After having concluded that there was "no further movement" in the interrogation, the detention site personnel hung a picture of KSM's sons in his cell as a way to "[heighten] his imagination concerning where they are, who has them, [and] what is in store for them."[4]

(TS// //NF) The waterboarding of KSM on March 21, 2003, and March 22, 2003, was based on a misreading of intelligence provided by Majid Khan by Deputy Chief of ALEC Station  . According to a cable from the CIA's  , Khan, who was in foreign government custody, had stated that KSM wanted to use "two to three unknown Black American Muslim converts who were currently training in Afghanistan," to "conduct attacks" on gas stations in the United States, and that "KSM was interested in using anyone with US status to assist with this operation."[5] Upon receipt of this reporting,   wrote in an email "i love the Black American Muslim at AQ camps in Afghanuistan [sic] ... Mukie [KSM] is going to be hatin' life on this one."[6] However, her subsequent questioning of KSM was not based on Khan's actual reporting, which was about potential operatives already in Afghanistan, but rather something Khan had not said—that KSM directed him to make contact with African-American converts in the United States.[7] According to CIA records, in a "contentious" session that lasted for hours and involved the use of the CIA's enhanced interrogation techniques, KSM "flatly denied" any efforts to recruit African-American Muslim converts. KSM was then waterboarded.[8] Later in the day, facing the threat of a second waterboarding session, KSM "relented and said that maybe he had told Khan that he should see if he could make contact with members of the Black American Muslim convert community." The CIA interrogators then returned KSM to the standing sleep deprivation position without a second waterboarding session.[9]

(TS// //NF) The next day, March 22, 2003, interrogators subjected KSM to "intense" questioning and walling, but when KSM provided no new information on African-American Muslim converts or threats inside the United States, he was subjected to additional

  1.   10916 (210845Z MAR 03);   10921 (211046Z MAR 03)
  2.   10916 (210845Z MAR 03)
  3.   10909 (201918Z MAR 03)
  4. Interview of  , by [REDACTED] and [REDACTED], Office of the Inspector General, October 22, 2003.   10917 (210907Z MAR 03).
  5.   13839 (201434Z MAR 03)
  6. Email to:  ; from: [REDACTED] OFFICE:  /[DETENTION SITE BLUE]; subject: Re: Majid Khan; date: March 20, 2003, at 03:40:17 PM. The   cable was formally sent to DETENTION SITE BLUE via ALEC   (210015Z MAR 03).
  7.   10932 (212132Z MAR 03)
  8.   10932 (212132Z MAR 03);   10922 (211256Z MAR 03)
  9.   10932 (212132Z MAR 03)

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