Page:Under the Gaslight.djvu/33

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Ber. (Toning down.) Haint you? Where's your messages?

Snorkey. Havn't had one go to-day.

Ber. Where do you hang out?

Snorkey. Nowheres.

Ber. My eye—no roost?

Snorkey. No.

Ber. I tell you what, come along with us—we've got a bully place—no rent—no taxes—no nothin.

Snorkey. Where is it?

Ber. Down under the pier!—I discovered it. I was in swimmin' and seed a hole and I went in. Lots of room, just the place for a quiet roost. We has jolly times every night I tell you on the dock; and when it is time to turn in we goes below, and has it as snug as a hotel; come down with us.

Snorkey. I will! These young rascals will help me track that scoundrel yet.

Ber. Now, help me to take in my show windows; it's time to shut up shop.

(Enter Ray Trafford, L.)

Ray. If what that crazy girl has told me can be true, Laura may yet be restored to her friends if not to me, for I have dispelled that dream for ever. But that villain must be traced immediately, or he will convey his victim fur beyond our reach or rescue.

(Snorkey helping to take down songs, sees Trafford, who has crossed to R. H.)

Snorkey. Hollo! Cap'n!

Ray. The man of all I wanted. You tracked him?

Snorkey. They was too much for me, sir—two horses was—but I saw them turn into Greenwich street, near Jay.

Ray. This may give us a clue. I have learned from a girl who knows this fellow, that he has some hiding-place over the river, and owns a boat which is always fastened near the pier where the Boston Steamers are.

Snorkey. Well, Cap'n, if anything's to be done, you'll find me at Pier—what's the number of our pier, Shorty?

Ber. Pier 30!—Down stairs!

Snorkey. Pier 30. That's my new home, and if you want me, say the word.

Ray. You will help me?

Snorkey. You bet, Cap'n. I was on Columbia's side for four years, and I'll fight for her daughters for the rest of my life, if you say so. If there's any fight in count me in, Cap'n.

Ray. Thank you. brave fellow. Here take this—no nonsense—take it. Pier 30 is it?

Snorkey. Pier 30. (Exit Trafford, R. 1 E.)

Ber. (Eyeing money.) How much, Perary?

Snorkey. One—two—three—four—four dollars.

Ber. Four dollars! Sa-ay—Don't you want to buy a share in a paying business? I'm looking out for a partner with a cash capital, for the ballad business. Or I tell you what to do. Lay your money on me in a mill. I'm going to be a prize fighter, and get reported in the respectable dailies. "Rattling Mill, 99th round, Bermudas the victor, having knocked his antagonist into nowheres."

Snorkey. Come along, you young imp. I could floor you with