Page:Under the Gaslight.djvu/34

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my own arm, and then the report would be: "25th round—Snorkey came up first, while his antagonist showed great signs of distress."

Ber. Say, Perary, what are you going to do with all that money?

Snorkey. I won't bet it on you, sure.

Ber. I'll tell you what to do, let's go and board at the Metropolitan Hotel for an hour.

Snorkey. What will we do for toothpicks?

Ber. Oh, go along. You can't get anything to eat for four dollars.

(Exit Snorkey, Ber. squaring off L. 1. E.

SCENE III.Foot of Pier 30, North River. Sea cloth down and working—A pier projecting into the river. A large cavity in front. Bow of a vessel at back, and other steamers, vessels and piers in perspective on either side. The flat gives view of Jersey City and the river shipping by starlight. Music of distant serenade heard.

Byke enters sculling a boat, R. 2d E. and fastens his boat to the pier L. H. Old Judas is on the pier, smoking pipe, looking down.

Judas. Have you fixed everything across the river?

Byke. Yes, I have a horse and wagon waiting near the shore to carry her to the farm. Has any one been around here.

Judas. Not a soul. I've been waiting here for an hour. What made you so long?

Byke. I pulled down the river for a spell to throw any spies off the track. It was necessary after what you told me of that girl's threat to blab about the Boston pier.

Judas. Pshaw! she'd never dare.

Byke. Never mind, it's best to be certain. Is the prize safe?

Judas. Yes, she was worn out, and slept when I came away. How her blood tells—she wouldn't shed a tear.

Byke. Bah! if she'd been more of a woman and set up a screaming, we shouldn't have been able to get her at all. Success to all girls of spirit, say I.

Judas. Don't you think it might be worth while to treat with this young spark, Trafford, and hear what he has to offer?

Byke. Satan take him! no. That'll spoil your game about the other girl, Pearl. He was making up to her all right, and if he pets this one back he'll upset the whole game by marrying her. I tell you he's got the old feeling for her, spite of her running away. Now you can judge for yourself, and do as you please.

Judas. Then I do as you do—get her out of the city. When Pearl is married to him we can treat for Laura's ransom, by threatening them with the real recret.

Byke. Then that's settled. (Taking out flask.) Here's the precious infant's health. Do you think she'll go easy, or shall we drug her?

Judas. Just tell her it's to meet her beau and get her ransom, or give her a reason and she'll be as mild as a lamb.

Byke. Ha! let me get hold of her, and I'll answer she goes