Page:Under the Gaslight.djvu/9

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Ray. I don't know how it is, but she brings me a relish for everything in life, I believe. Laura, I think if I were to lose you I'd mope to death and starve to death.

Laura. Well, that's as much as to say I'm a sort of Life Pill. (Martin enters door L. H.) Supper. (Martin exits.}

Ray. You may joke about it,—but it's so. You take the lounge (Laura and Pearl sit on tete-a-tete.)

Pearl. You don't want me to go away, do you? (Putting her head on Laura's shoulder.)

Laura. Certainly not. What an idea!

Pearl. I'm sure you'll have time enough to be alone when you are married. And I do so want to talk and be talked to.

Laura. Well, Ray shall talk to you.

Pearl. He was just going to tell me about his calls to-day.

Laura. That's exactly what we want to hear about. Did you call on every one we told you to?

Ray. Every one. There was Miss ——

Pearl. Did you go to Henrietta Liston's first?

Ray. Yes, and wasn't she dressed! Speaking of dress, are you going to have your new pink for the Sociable, Tuesday?

Laura. Yes, Pearl, and I will do credit to the occasion, as it is our first for a year.

Ray. (Taking Laura's hand.) And our last.

Pearl. Our last!

Ray. Laura's and mine. For when we are married, you know, we shall be tabooed—where maids and bachelors only are permitted.

Pearl. bless me! (rising.) How do you do Mrs. Trafford.

Laura. (rising) (sadly.) I wish you hadn't said that Pearl. You know the old proverb "Call a maid by a married name."

Ray. Nonsense! (Putting his arm about Laura's waist.) It's only a few days to wait, and we'll live long enough, you know. For nothing but death shall separate us.

[Martin appears at door L.

Pearl. O, here's supper.

Martin. Beg pardon, Miss.

Laura. What's the matter?

Martin. There's a person below, Miss, who says he's been sent with a bouquet for you, Miss, and must deliver it in person.

Laura. For me? Whose servant is it?

Martin. I don't know, Miss, he looks like one of those Soldier Messengers—red cap and all that.

Laura. Show him up here.

[Exit Martin, D. 2 E. L.

Pearl. How romantic. So late at night. It's a rival in disguise, Ray.

(Martin re-enters showing in Snorkey, with an air of disdain, SNOR. has a large bouquet in his hand, and his hat is under the stump of his right arm, which is cut off.

Laura. You wished to see me?

Snorkey. (L. H.) Are you Miss Laura Courtland?

Laura. Yes.

Snorkey. Then I was told to give you this.

Laura. (Taking it from Ray, who has crossed L. H. and received it from Snorkey.) By whom?