Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 1.djvu/77

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Circuit Court of Washington, &c. An act providing for the accommodation of the Circuit Court of the United States for Washington county, in the District of Columbia, and for the preservation of the records of said court.March 3, 1823.
Vol. Ⅲ. 785
Statute.—Repeal of the Act to lessen the Compensation of Marshals, Clerks, and Attorneys. An act to repeal, in part, an act entitled “An act to lessen the compensation for marshals, clerks, and attorneys, in the cases therein mentioned.”March 8, 1824.
Vol. Ⅳ. 8
District Court in Alabama. An act for the better organization of the District Courts of the United States within the State of Alabama.March 10, 1824.
Vol. Ⅳ. 9
District Court of Kentucky. An act to change the terms of the District Court of the United States for the Kentucky district.March 24, 1824.
Vol. Ⅳ. 11
Circuit and District Courts of Ohio and Kentucky. An act to change the terms of the Circuit and District Courts of the United States in the State of Ohio, and one of the terms of the Circuit Court in Kentucky.April 22, 1824.
Vol. Ⅳ. 18
District Court of Illinois. An act to alter the times of holding the District Court of the United States for the district of Illinois.April 22, 1824.
Vol. Ⅳ. 19
District Court in Missouri. An act to alter the times of holding the District Court in the district of Missouri.April 29, 1824.
Vol. Ⅳ. 22
Courts in the District of Columbia. An act altering the times of holding the courts in the District of Columbia.May 13, 1824.
Vol. Ⅳ. 23
District Courts of South Carolina. An act to alter the times of holding the Circuit and District Courts of the United States for the district of South Carolina.May 25, 1824.
Vol. Ⅳ. 34
District Courts of Virginia. An act to alter the judicial districts of Virginia, and for other purposes.May 25, 1824.
Vol. Ⅳ. 48
Circuit Court in Maryland. An act for altering the time for holding the Circuit Court of the United States for the fourth circuit in the Maryland district.May 26, 1824.
Vol. Ⅳ. 49
Courts in Pennsylvania. An act to alter the judicial districts of Pennsylvania, and for other purposes.May 26, 1824.
Vol. Ⅳ. 50
1824, 1825.
Statute.—Adjournment of the Circuit Court for the District of Columbia. An act respecting the adjournment of the Circuit Court for the District of Columbia.March 3, 1825.
Vol. Ⅳ. 94
Circuit and District Courts in New York. An act fixing the place for holding the Circuit and District Courts of the United States for the southern district of New York.March 3, 1825.
Vol. Ⅳ. 101
Crimes. An act more effectually to provide for the punishment of certain crimes against the United States, and for other purposes.March 3, 1825.
Vol. Ⅳ. 115
Circuit and District Courts in South Carolina. An act to amend an act entitled “An act to alter the time of holding the Circuit and District Courts of the United States for the district of South Carolina.”March 3, 1825.
Vol. Ⅳ. 124
District Court in the Eastern District of Louisiana. An act to change the time of holding the District Court of the United States for the eastern district of Louisiana.March 3, 1825.
Vol. Ⅳ. 125
District Courts in Virginia. An act to alter the terms of the District Court of the United States in the western district of Virginia.March 3, 1825.
Vol. Ⅳ. 131
Statute.—District Court in New York. An act for altering the time of holding the District Court in the northern district of New York.Feb. 1, 1826.
Vol. Ⅳ. 138
District Court of the Western District of Pennsylvania. An act for altering the time of holding one term of the District Court for the western district of Pennsylvania.April 5, 1826.
Vol. Ⅳ. 153
Supreme Court—Circuit Courts of Georgia and South Carolina. An act for altering the time of holding the session of the Supreme Court of the United States, and of the sessions of the Circuit Courts of the United States for the districts of Georgia and South Carolina.May 4, 1826.
Vol. Ⅳ. 160