Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/210

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190 THIRTY-SECOND CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 97. 1853. For miscellaneous items, twenty thousand dollars. To supply a deiiciency in the appropriation for the nscal year ending thirtieth June, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three, and defray the expenses of select committees of investigation appointed by the Senate, eighteen thousand dollars. _ _ _ For the expenses of the House of Representatives, viz.: For furniture, carpeting, and repairs, six thousand dollars. For twenty-one messengers, twenty thousand one hundred and sixty- two dollars. For the messenger who has charge of the hall of the House of Representatives, one thousand four hundred and dfty dollars. For two messengers in c1erk’s office, three thousand dollars. For horses and carriages, two thousand seven hundred and fifty-five dollars. For saddle horses, six hundred dollars. For fuel, oil, and candles, four thousand five hundred dollars. For newspapers for members, ten thousand dollars. For Capitol police, three thousand Eve hundred and sixty dollars. For engraving and lithographing, twenty-five thousand dollars. Bindiuqlpublic For binding documents, twenty-five thousand dollars: Provided, That d°°”m°°of all the documents, the printing of additional copies of which may be ordered by either House of Congress, and the size of which shall not be less than two hundred and fifty pages, such additional copies shall be bound in such manner as may be directed by the respective committees ou printing of each House, the cost of which shall not exceed twelve and a half cents per volume; and it shall be the duty of the Superintendent of the Public Printing to supervise the binding of the public gup,,,·;,,w,dG,,t documents, to receive said binding when executed, and see that the same vf P¥i¤¤i¤g¢¤_¤¤- is done in a neat and workmanlike manner, according to such sample as ggfhfo b‘;‘£,‘Q,§g may be preserved in his office, and in proper time ; and before the binder faithful exscu- shall receive pay for the same, he shall produce the certificate of the mug: www said superintendent that his work has been executed as above required, ps’and has been accepted by him. And it shall also be the duty of the said superintendent to receive and preserve in his office samples of paper upon which maps, charts, diagrams, plats, or other engravings may be contracted to be ihrnished, and to receive from the contractor said maps, charts, diagrams, plats, or other engravings, and compare the paper upon which they may be printed with the samples so preserved, and he shall not receive any map, chart, diagram, plat, or other engraving which may not be printed on paper equal to the samples so preserved, or which may not be executed in a proper manner, and within the time specified in the contract, (unless for special reasons the superintendent may extend the time,) and which may not be in the quantity called for thereby; and said contractor shall not receive pay for the same, except upon the certificate of the superintendent that the foregoing requisites have been "eomplied with; `°‘·· For folding, ten thousand dollars; For laborers, two thousand five hundred dollars; For pages, four thousand dollars; For stationery, twenty thousand dollars; For miscellaneous items, ten thousand dollars. Library of Gon- Library of Congress.- For compensation of librarian, two assistant g""" librarians, and messenger, four thousand five hundred dollars; For contingent expenses of said library, one thousand dollars; For purchase of books for said library, five thousand dollars; For purchase of law books for said library, two thousand dollars; Egéploring ex- For the completion of the publication of the works of the Exploring Vw °“* Expedition, in pursuance of contracts already made, twenty-Eve thousand P’°'l’°‘ dollars: Provided, That this appropriation shall tinish the publication.