Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/211

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THIRTY-SECOND COLNURESS. Sess. 1I. Ch. 97. 1853. 191 For the preparation and publication of a general Catalogue of the Li- Catalogue. brary of Congress, to be made in such manner as the Joint Committee on the Library of Congress may direct, three thousand dollars. E:recut¢Ive.—-- For compensation of the President of the United States, Executivetwenty-five thousand dollars; For compensation of the Vice-President of the United States, live thousand dollars; Department of State.—For compensation of the Secretary of State, state Departand the clerks, messenger, and` assistant messenger in his office, thirty- m°¤*· three thousand seven hundred dollars ; For the Incidental and Contingent Expenses of said Department. Continlgencies For publishing the laws in pamphlet form, and in the newspapers of ig-Gggaw °P“"" the States and Territories, and in the city of Washington, sixteen thousand ` and twenty-five dollars. For proof-reading, packing, and distributing laws and documents, including cases, labor, and transportation, ten thousand dollars; For the payment of the expenses attendant upon the funeral obsequies of the late Secretary of State, one thousand two hundred and twenty- nine dollars and thirty-seven cents. For stationery, blank-books, binding, labor, and attendance, furniture, gixtures, repairs, painting and glazing, four thousand four hundred ollars; For books and maps, one thousand eight hundred and ninety dollars and seventy cents; For newspapers, two hundred dollars; For miscellaneous items, one thousand dollars. Northeast Executive Building.- For compensation of the superin- NQf*h·¤¤§# Fw tendent and four watchmen of the north-east executive building, two °“t"° bmm"°8° thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; For contingent expenses of said building, viz.: For fuel, labor, oil, and repairs, three thousand three hundred dollars. Treasury Department.-—For compensation of the Secretary of the Treasury Do- Treasury, and Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, clerks, messen- P“§*°"::;’*- d ger, and assistant messenger in his office, thirty-two thousand and fifty mismw M dollars; For compensation of the First Comptroller, and the clerks and 1** C°mP¤<>ll°¥· messenger in his office, twenty-two thousand one hundred and fifty dollars; For compensation of the Second Comptroller, and the clerks and M Comptroller. messenger in his office, twenty-four thousand six hundred and fifty dollars; For compensation of the First Auditor, and the clerks, messenger, and 1st Auditor. assistant messenger in his office, twenty-three thousand dollars; For compensation of the Second Auditor, and the clerks, messenger, 2d Auditor. and assistant messenger in his officc, thirty-four thousand eight hundred dollars; For compensation of the Third Auditor, and the clerks, messengers, Sd Audimr. and assistant messenger in his oiilce, fifty-nine thousand one hundred and fifty dollars; For compensation to temporary clerks, employed in the office of the Temporary Third Auditor in making out certificates of service from the muster—rolls °1°'k°' of eighteen hundred and twelve, and the several Indian wars, and on arrearages of pay, thirty-one thousand one hundred dollars: Provided, Provise. That no clerk shall receive more than at the rate of one thousand dollars per annum under this act, except one, whose salary shall be sixteen hundred dollars per annum, and four, whose compensation shall be four dollars per day; For compensation of the Fourth Auditor, and the clerks, messenger, 4th Auditor. and assistant messenger in his office, twenty thousand four hundred and