Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 10.djvu/869

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THIRTY-THIRD CONGRESS. Sess. I. RES. 2, 9. 1854. 829 RE S OLUTIONS. [No. 2.] Joint Resolution jor the Reliy of Alexander P. Field, late Secretary of Wis- Ja-¤-24, 1854. cousin Territory, and sureties. ·-·—-———··-— Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the proper accounting A,A°°¥}¤g? °§ ofiicers of the Treasury Department be authorized and directed to settle b,,°,§}d,gcd}°1 t° the accounts of Alexander P. Field, late Secretary of Wisconsin Territory, upon principles of equity and justice: Provided, That no credit No credit to be shall be allowed the said Field in said settlement under this resolution, :g°;;;fg;i;°$$°1l;; except such of the follow [ing] items numbering from one to twelve, inclu- 1 G ` sive, claimed by the said Field, as the said accounting officers may determine in equity and justice should be allowed. Item No. 1. W. W. Wyman, payment on bond not yet surrendered, four hundred and thirty-seven dollars, ($437 .00.) Item No. 2. C. C. Sholes, payment on his bond not surrendered, one thousand and seventy-five dollars, ($1,07 5.00.) Item No. 3. Over·payment io Josiah A. Noonan for printing, one hundred dollars and forty-one cents, ($100.41.) Item No. 4. Over-payment to John Catlin, one hundred and seven dollars, ($,5107.00.) Item No. 5. Geo. I. Coates’ bond, wanting Gridley’s endorsement, one hundred dollars, ($100.00.) Item No. 6. E. Slingerland’s bond, wanting J. Kneeland’s endorsement, one hundred dollars, ($100.00.) Item No. 7. James Sullivan’s bond, wanting his own endorsement, thirty-tive dollars, ($35.00.) Item No. 8. Appropriation of Legislative Assembly, for expenses of journey to Washiiigton, procuring and transporting funds, etc., eight hundred dollars, ($800.00.) Item N0. 9. Payment to Barlow Shackelford, six dollars and sixty- tive cents, ($6.65.) ` Item No. 10. Appropriation of Legislative Assembly, February, eighteen hundred and forty-three, for expense to Washington, procuring and transporting money for expenses of Legislative Assembly, eight hundred dollars, ($800.00.) Item No. 11. Appropriation for office rent, stationery, etc., one hundred dollars, ($100.00.) Item No. 12. Appropriation for postage, one hundred dollars ($100.00.) making in all, three thousand seven hundred and sixty-one dollars and six cents, ($3,761.06.) Approved, January 24, 1854. [N0. 9.] Joint Resolution jor settling the Accounts of A. Bqqd Hamilton. M*“`°h 27: 1864 Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That in place of the parties uGY£;><;*c*;g*;;*:;· named for settling the accounts of A. Boyd Hamilton in the seventeenth of A_ Boyd HW section of the act entitled "An act making appropriations for the civil milton.