Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 100 Part 1.djvu/552

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1986

100 STAT. 516 5 USC 8401 note.

42 USC 401.

PUBLIC LAW 99-335—JUNE 6, 1986


The purposes of this Act are— (1) to establish a Federal employees' retirement plan which is coordinated with title II of the Social Security Act; (2) to ensure a fully funded and financially sound retirement benefits plan for Federal employees; (3) to enhance portability of retirement assets earned as an employee of the Federal Government; (4) to provide options for Federal employees with respect to retirement planning; (5) to assist in building a quality career work force in the Federal Government; (6) to encourage Federal employees to increase personal savings for retirement; and (7) to extend financial protection from disability to additional Federal employees and to increase such protection for eligible Federal employees. SEC. 101. ESTABLISHMENT.

(a) IN GENERAL.—Title 5, United States Code, is amended by inserting after chapter 83 the following new chapter: "eHAPTER 84—FEDERAL EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM "SUBCHAPTER I—GENERAL PROVISIONS "Sec. "8401. Definitions. "8402. Federal Employees' Retirement System; exclusions. "8403. Relationship to the Social Security Act. "SUBCHAPTER II—BASIC ANNUITY "8410. Eligibility for annuity. "8411. Creditable service. "8412. Immediate retirement. "8413. Deferred retirement. "8414. Early retirement. "8415. Computation of basic annuity. "8416. Survivor reduction for a current spouse. "8417. Survivor reduction for a former spouse. "8418. Survivor elections; deposit; offsets. "8419. Survivor reductions; computation. "8420. Insurable interest reductions. "8420a. Alternative forms of annuities. "8421. Annuity supplement. "8421a. Reductions on account of earnings from work performed while entitled to an annuity supplement. "8422. Deductions from pay; contributions for military service. "8423. Government contributions. "8424. Lump-sum benefits; designation of beneficiary; order of precedence. "8425. Mandatory separation. "SUBCHAPTER III—THRIFT SAVINGS PLAN "8431. "8432. "8433. "8434. "8435. "8436. "8437. "8438. "8439. "8440.

Definition. Contributions. Benefits and election of benefits. Annuities: methods of payment; election; purchase. Protections for spouses and former spouses. Administrative provisions. Thrift Savings Fund. Investment of Thrift Savings Fund. Accounting and information. Tax treatment of the Thrift Savings Fund.