Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 100 Part 1.djvu/553

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PUBLIC LAW 99-000—MMMM. DD, 1986

PUBLIC LAW 99-335—JUNE 6, 1986

100 STAT. 517

"SUBCHAPTER IV-SURVIVOR ANNUITIES '8441. '8442. '8443. '8444. '8445.

Definitions. Rights of a widow or widower. Rights of a child. Rights of a named individual with an insurable interest. Rights of a former spouse. "SUBCHAPTER V—DISABILITY BENEFITS

"8451. '8452. '8453. '8454. '8455. '8456. '8457.

Disability retirement. Computation of disability annuity. Application. Medical examination. Recovery; restoration of earning capacity. Relationship to workers' compensation. Military reserve technicians.

"SUBCHAPTER VI—GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS "8461. "8462. "8463. "8464. "8465. "8466. "8467. "8468. "8469. "8470.

Authority of the Office of Personnel Management. Cost-of-living adjustments. Rate of benefits. Commencement and termination of annuities of employees and Members. Waiver, allotment, and assignment of benefits. Application for benefits. Court orders. Annuities and pay on reemployment. Withholding of State income taxes. Exemption from legal process; recovery of payments.

"SUBCHAPTER VII—FEDERAL RETIREMENT THRIFT INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM "8471. "8472. "8473. "8474. "8475. "8476. "8477. "8478. "8479.

Definitions. Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board. Employee Thrift Advisory Council. Executive Director. Investment policies. Administrative provisions. Fiduciary responsibilities; liability and penalties. Bonding. Exculpatory provisions; insurance.

"SUBCHAPTER I—GENERAL PROVISIONS "§ 8401. Definitions 5 USC 8401. "For the purpose of this chapter— "(1) the term 'account means an account established and maintained under section 8439(a) of this title; "(2) the term 'annuitant' means a former employee or Member who, on the basis of that individual's service, meets all requirements for title to an annuity under subchapter II or V of this chapter and files claim therefor; "(3) the term 'average pay' means the largest annual rate resulting from averaging an employee's or Member's rates of basic pay in effect over any 3 consecutive years of service or, in the case of an annuity under this chapter based on service of less than 3 years, over the total service, with each rate weighted by the period it was in effect; "(4) except as provided in subchapter III of this chapter, the term 'basic pay' has the meaning given such term by section 8331(3); "(5) the term 'Board' means the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board established by section 8472(a) of this title;