Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 2.djvu/20

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XX LIST OF PUBLIC LAWS PUBLIC LAW DATE PAGE 101-533 Foreign Direct Investment and International Financial Nov. 7, 1990 2344 Data Improvements Act of 1990. 101-534 Attendant Allowance Adjustment Act Nov. 7, 1990 2352 101-535 Nutrition Labeling and Education Act of 1990 Nov. 8, 1990 2353 101-536 Pecos National Historical Park Expansion Act of 1990 Nov. 8, 1990 2368 101-537 To authorize a study of the fishery resources of the Great Nov. 8, 1990 2370 Lakes, and for other purposes. 101-538 To amend the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act to designate Nov. 8, 1990 2376 certain segrnents of the Mills River in the State of North Carolina for potential addition to the wild suid scenic rivers system. 101-539 To direct the Secretary of Agriculture to release on behalf Nov. 8, 1990 2377 of the United States a condition in a deed conveying certain lands to the Conservation Commission of West Virginia, and for other purposes. 101-540 To amend title I of the Employee Retirement Income Se- Nov. 8, 1990 2379 curity Act of 1974 to require qualifying employer securities to include interest in publicly traded partnerships. 101-541 Approving the extension of nondiscriminatory treatment Nov. 8, 1990 2380 (most favored nation treatment) to the products of Czechoslovakia. 101-542 Student Right-To-Know and Campus Security Act Nov. 8, 1990 2381 101-543 Maine Acadian Culture Preservation Act Nov. 8, 1990 2389 101-544 To designate October 30, 1990, as "Refugee Day" Nov. 8, 1990 2393 101-545 To designate the facility of the United States Postal Serv- Nov. 14, 1990 2394 ice located at 100 South John F. Kennedy Drive, CarpentersvUle, Illinois, as the "Robert McClory Post Office Building". 101-546 To designate the Post Office building at 222 West Center Nov. 14, 1990 2395 Street, in Orem, Utah, as the "Arthur V. Watkins Post Office Building". 101-547 To designate November 2, 1990, as a national day of Nov. 14, 1990 2396 prayer for members of American military forces and American citizens stetioned or held hostage in the Middle East, and for their families. 101-548....... To correct a clerical error in Public Law 101-383 Nov. 14, 1990 2398 101-549 To amend the Clean Air Act to provide for attainment Nov. 15, 1990 2399 and maintenance of health protective national ambient air quality standards, and for other purposes. 101-550 Securities Acts Amendments of 1990 Nov. 15, 1990 2713 101-551 National Capital Transportation Amendments of 1990 Nov. 15, 1990 2733 101-552 Administrative Dispute Resolution Act Nov. 15, 1990 2736 101-553 Copyright Remedy Clarification Act Nov. 15, 1990 2749 101-554 Displaced Homemakers Self-Sufficiency Assistance Act Nov. 15, 1990 2751 101-555 To authorize appropriations for activities of the National Nov. 15, 1990 2758 Telecommunications and Information Administration for fiscal years 1990 and 1991. 101-556 Baca Location No. 1 Land Acquisition and Study Act of Nov. 15, 1990 2762 1990. 101-557 Home Health Care and Alzheimer's Disease Amendments Nov. 15, 1990 2766 of 1990. 101-558 Iiyury Control Act of 1990 Nov. 15, 1990 2772 101-559 To designate the Federal Building at 88 West 100 North Nov. 15, 1990 2774 in Provo, Utah, as the "J. Will Robinson Federal Building". 101-560 Regarding the Early Winters Resorts Nov. 15, 1990 2775