Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 2.djvu/21

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LIST OF PUBLIC LAWS xxi PUBLIC LAW DATE PAGE 101-561 To amend the Water Resources Development Act of 1974 Nov. 15, 1990 2778 to transfer jurisdiction of the Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area from the Secretary of the Army to the Secretary of the Interior, and for other purposes. 101-562 To authorize acquisition of certain real property for the Nov. 15, 1990 2780 Library of Congress, and for other purposes. 101-563 Designating October 21 through 27, 1990 as "National Hu- Nov. 15, 1990 2782 manities Week". 101-564 To designate March 25, 1991, as "National Medal of Nov. 15, 1990 2783 Honor Day". 101-565 Granting the consent of the C!ongres8 to amendments to Nov. 15, 1990 2784 the Delaware-New Jersey C!ompact, and for other purposes. 101-566 Spark M. Matsunaga Hydrogen Research, Development, Nov. 15, 1990 2797 and Demonstration Act of 1990. 101-567 To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to reinstate oil Nov. 15, 1990 2802 and gas lease LA 033164. 101-568 To authorize the transfer by lease of a specified naval Nov. 15, 1990 2804 landing ship dock to the Government of Brazil. 101-569 Providing for the appointment of Ira Michael Heyman as Nov. 15, 1990 2806 a citizen regent of the Smithsonian Institution. 101-570 Designating 1991 as the "Year of Thanksgiving for the Nov. 15, 1990 2807 Blessings of Liberty". 101-571 To authorize the Secretary of Agriculture to exchange cer- Nov. 15, 1990 2808 tain property in the Chattahoochee National Forest for the construction of facilities in the National Forest. 101-572 Gas Related Activities Act of 1990 Nov. 15, 1990 2810 101-573 To authorize the Secretary of the Interior to permit cer- Nov. 15, 1990 2812 tain uses of lands within the Colonial Nationed Historical Park in the Commonwealth of Virginia. 101-574 Small Business Administration Reauthorization and Nov. 15, 1990 2814 Amendments Act of 1990. 101-575 Solar, Wind, Waste, and Geothermal Power Production Nov. 15, 1990 2834 Incentives Act of 1990. 101-576 Chief Financial Officers Act of 1990 Nov. 15, 1990 2838 101-577 Farm Poundage Quota Revisions Act of 1990 Nov. 15, 1990 2856 101-578 To conduct certain studies in the State of New Mexico Nov. 15, 1990 2858 101-579 Designating February 16, 1991, as "Lithuanian Independ- Nov. 15, 1990 2862 ence Day'. 101-580 To amend title 35, United States Code, with respect to the Nov. 15, 1990 2863 use of inventions in outer space. 101-581 Criminal Victims Protection Act of 1990 Nov. 15, 1990 2865 101-582 Year 2000 Health Objectives Planning Act Nov. 15, 1990 2867 101-583 To eliminate "substantial documentary evidence" require- Nov. 15, 1990 2871 ment for minimxim wage determination for American Samoa, and for other purposes. 101-584 To address immediate problems affecting environmental Nov. 15, 1990 2872 cleanup activities. 101-585 SUver Coin Proof Sets Act Nov. 15, 1990 2874 101-586 Providing for reappointment of Anne Legendre Arm- Nov. 15, 1990 2876 strong as a citizen r^ent of the Smithsonian Institution. 101-587 To designate October 1-31, 1991, as "Community Center Nov. 15, 1990 2877 Month". 101-588 Antitrust Amendments Act of 1990 Nov. 16, 1990 2879 101-589 Excellence in Mathematics, Science and Engineering Edu- Nov. 16, 1990 2881 cation Act of 1990. 101-590 Trauma Care Systems Planning and Development Act of Nov. 16, 1990 2915 1990.