Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 2.djvu/731

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PUBLIC LAW 101-508 —NOV. 5, 1990 104 STAT. 1388-323 businesses. The strategy shall also consider the capabilities of various businesses to make use of source reduction techniques; (6) identify, where appropriate, measurable goals which reflect the policy of this subtitle, the tasks necessary to achieve the goals, dates at which the principal tasks are to be accomplished, required resources, organizational responsibilities, and the means by which progress in meeting the goals will be megisured; (8) establish an advisory panel of technical experts comprised of representatives from industry, the States, and public interest groups, to advise the Administrator on ways to improve collection and dissemination of data; (9) establish a training program on source reduction opportunities, including workshops and guidance documents, for State and Federal permit issuance, enforcement, and inspection officials working within all agency program offices. (10) identify and make recommendations to Congress to eliminate barriers to source reduction including the use of incentives and disincentives; (11) identify opportunities to use Federal procurement to encourage source reduction; (12) develop, test and disseminate model source reduction auditing procedures designed to highlight source reduction opportunities; and (13) establish an annual award program to recognize a company or companies which operate outstanding or innovative source reduction programs. SEC. 6605. GRANTS TO STATES FOR STATE TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE PRO- 42 USC 13104. GRAMS. (a) GENERAL AUTHORITY.— The Administrator shall make matching grants to States for programs to promote the use of source reduction techniques by businesses. (b) CRITERIA. —When evaluating the requests for grants under this section, the Administrator shall consider, among other things, whether the proposed State program would accomplish the following: (1) Make specific technical assistance available to businesses seeking information about source reduction opportunities, including funding for experts to provide onsite technical advice to business seeking assistance and to assist in the development of source reduction plans. (2) Target assistance to businesses for whom lack of information is an impediment to source reduction. (3) Provide training in source reduction techniques. Such training may be provided through local engineering schools or any other appropriate means. (c) MATCHING FUNDS. — Federal funds used in any State program under this section shall provide no more than 50 per centum of the funds made available to a State in each year of that State's participation in the program. (d) EFFECTIVENESS. —The Administrator shall establish appropriate means for measuring the effectiveness of the State grants made under this section in promoting the use of source reduction techniques by businesses.