Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 104 Part 2.djvu/732

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104 STAT. 1388-324 PUBLIC LAW 101-508—NOV. 5, 1990 (e) INFORMATION.— States receiving grants under this section shall make information generated under the grants available to the Administrator. 42 USC 13105. SEC. 6606. SOURCE REDUCTION CLEARINGHOUSE. (a) AUTHORITY.— The Administrator shall establish a Source Reduction Clearinghouse to compile information including a computer data base which contains information on management, technical, and operational approaches to source reduction. The Administrator shall use the clearinghouse to— (1) serve as a center for source reduction technology transfer; (2) mount active outreach and education programs by the States to further the adoption of source reduction technologies; and (3) collect and compile information reported by States receiving grants under section 6605 on the operation and success of State source reduction programs. r. (b) PUBLIC AVAILABILITY.— The Administrator shall make available to the public such information on source reduction as is gathered pursuant to this subtitle and such other pertinent information and analysis regarding source reduction as may be available to the Administrator. The data base shall permit entry and retrieval of information to any person. 42 USC 13106. SEC. 6607. SOURCE REDUCTION AND RECYCLING DATA COLLECTION. (a) REPORTING REQUIREMENTS.—Each owner or operator of a facility required to file an annual toxic chemical release form under section 313 of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 ("SARA") for any toxic chemical shall include with each such annual filing a toxic chemical source reduction and recycling report for the preceding '^° calendar year. The toxic chemical source reduction and recycling report shall cover each toxic chemical required to be reported in the annual toxic chemical release form filed by the owner or operator under section 313(c) of that Act. This section shall take effect with the annual report filed under section 313 for the first full calendar year beginning after the enactment of this subtitle. (b) ITEMS INCLUDED IN REPORT.— The toxic chemical source reduction and recycling report required under subsection (a) shall set forth each of the following on a facility-by-facility basis for each toxic chemical: (1) The quantity of the chemical entering any waste stream (or otherwise released into the environment) prior to recycling, treatment, or disposal during the calendar year for which the report is filed and the percentage change from the previous year. The quantity reported shall not include any amount reported under paragraph (7). When actual measurements of the quantity of a toxic chemical entering the waste streams are not readily available, reasonable estimates should be made based on best engineering judgment. (2) The amount of the chemical from the facility which is recycled (at the facility or elsewhere) during such calendar year, the percentage change from the previous year, and the process of recycling used. (3) The source reduction practices used with respect to that chemical during such year at the facility. Such practices shall be reported in accordance with the following categories unless ^o So in original. Probably should be "preceding".