Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 105 Part 2.djvu/574

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105 STAT. 1526 PUBLIC LAW 102-190—DEC. 5, 1991 thorized by section 2301(a) of the Military Construction Authorization Act, 1989 (division B of Public Law 100-456; 102 Stat. 2101), $44,000,000. (4) For the construction of facilities for the 37th Tactical Fighter Wing at Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico, as authorized by section 2301(a) of the Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1991 (division B of Public Law 101-510; 104 Stat. 1769), $39,000,000. (5) For unspecified minor construction projects under section 2805 of title 10, United States Code, $11,500,000. (6) For architectural and engineering services and construction design under section 2807 of title 10, United States Code, $74,300,000. (7) For advances to the Secretary of Transportation for construction of defense access roads under section 210 of title 23, United States Code, $11,050,000. (8) For military family housing functions: (A) For construction and acquisition of military family housing and facilities, $161,583,000. (B) For support of military family housing (including functions described in section 2833 of title 10, United States Code), $909,400,000, of which not more than $140,900,000 may be obligated or expended for leasing of military family housing units worldwide. (h) LIMITATION ON TOTAL COST OF CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS.— Notwithstanding the cost variations authorized by section 2853 of title 10, United States Code, and any other cost variation authorized by law, the total cost of all projects carried out under section 2301 of this Act may not exceed the total amount authorized to be appropriated under paragraphs (1) and (2) of subsection (a). SEC. 2306. AUTHORIZED LONG-TERM FACILITIES CONTRACTS. Subject to section 2809 of title 10, United States Code, the Secretary of the Air Force may enter into long-term contracts for construction, management, and operation of facilities for the purpose shown, and in the estimated capital investment cost shown, for the following installations: (1) Eielson Air Force Base, Alaska, child development center, $3,600,000. (2) McGuire Air Force Base, New Jersey, child development center, $3,900,000. (3) Cannon Air Force Base, New Mexico, child development center, $1,200,000. (4) McChord Air Force Base, Washington, child development center, $4,700,000. SEC. 2307. AUTHORIZED FAMILY HOUSING LEASE PROJECTS. Subject to section 2835 of title 10, United States Code (as added by section 2806 of this Act), the Secretary of the Air Force may enter into contracts for the lease of family housing units in the number of units shown, and at the net present value shown, for the following installations: (1) March Air Force Base, California, five hundred eighty-two units, $55,360,000. (2) Cannon Air Force Base, New Mexico, three hundred fifty units, $24,400,000.